North Carolina


could it be bumble foot? check the buttom of her foot and look for an almost calus appearance
Are they in a run or free range? Is there anywhere out of the way they could be laying? I had some that started a nest and by the time I found it they had laid 10 eggs! Others just randomly laid out in the run. Do you have some type of fake egg, e.g. golf ball or something in the nest box to tell them where to lay? I am not an expert at any of this, but I would think they would be laying by now...
They are in a run. They have never been out of there. I have fake eggs in the nesting boxes and they go up in the nesting boxes all the time. I have the run and coop secured so nothing can get in or out. I worry alot about predators, so we check for anything that might be loose or out of the ordinary all the time.
Sounds like a sprain.  Feel up the foot/leg for any hotspots.  That is just in case of infections.  I doubt you will find anything.  Keep roosters off her and try to make sure she is not jumping down off a roost in the mornings.  Other then that it should start to get better in a few days.


Thank you. No roosters here. I hope it gets better she's only 15 weeks.
Glad to see everyone is doing well.
I'm getting worried about all these rain posts, fingers crossed my baby chicks are holding up okay!!!
Hope everyone is staying dry.
It's been flooding all over upstate new york where I am now too, looks like the whole East Coast has been getting hit for weeks now.
Side note, I learned how to drive a tractor!

My kids are loving the dairy farm, and all about doing all the chores and caring for the animals, we may need to move to a real farm...
We're on a flash flood warning until tomorrow night. Again.

Mosquitoes are growing big enough to carry us off! This morning when I was walking Levi, we were both covered in them.

I am continually grateful that although our whole area appears flat as a pancake, we're on a tiny rise. All buildings are dry, with no streams or ponds forming in my chicken houses. There are some puddles under the eaves of the layer house, but not bad. And the garden is draining nicely still. The tomatoes are huge! Covered in green tomatoes, and I bet they'll all come ripe at once!

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Glad to see everyone is doing well.
I'm getting worried about all these rain posts, fingers crossed my baby chicks are holding up okay!!!
Hope everyone is staying dry.
It's been flooding all over upstate new york where I am now too, looks like the whole East Coast has been getting hit for weeks now.
Side note, I learned how to drive a tractor!

My kids are loving the dairy farm, and all about doing all the chores and caring for the animals, we may need to move to a real farm...

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