North Carolina

Can you email me pics, price and location.
[email protected]
Not sure we are wanting to sell them yet. We are going to be looking at how many laying hens we have coming up and then see who we are wanting to sell. Once we decide, I can let you know
Hey everyone! Just popping in to say hello so you don't all forget about me :D

Been crazy busy lately. Our shipment of 18 chicks seems to have settled into 16. Two of our pullets are starting to look like roos - I'll get pics one day... At least they were kind enough to stick to the breeds I was planning on separating out anyway. Looks like our white egg layer coop will have a Polish roo and the brown egg layers get the Delaware roo. Our 7 week old Red Ranger/Freedom Ranger/Dinner birds are starting to crow already - or at least attempt to. They sound ridiculous.
Luckily they aren't very loud yet. If we raise that breed for meat again, I'm doing it in the fall/winter/early spring. They are pathetic at handling heat.

Had to put down my dog that got hit by a car back in January. She was getting feeling back in her legs - and some movement, but no progress controlling her "waste management systems". We had her for 9 years and she was the best dog ever!!

We are getting a sad amount of eggs lately too. Had to lock up the ladies to the run because the Orpingtons were hiding their eggs in the woods/woodpile and who knows where. One day we got two eggs out of 8 hens! (A third egg turned up under my 5 year olds bed later that week so probably from that day). They've been locked up and restricted to the run/coop for four days now and I'm still only getting 4-6 eggs a day between the 8 of them. Our EE and Stars are laying daily so it's the Brahma and the Orps that aren't earning their keep. I'm hoping they'll make up for it this winter. If not I'll be selling or eating them come spring before they have a chance to go broody on me again. I'll not be doing that breed again.
I have a friend of mine wants to buy 4 dozen eggs a week and I'm lucky if I get 3 lately. Only had two dozen to sell this week.
Lucky for me she's patient and willing to wait until the rest of my girls are of age before swearing off store bought eggs completely. :)

Enjoy the cooler weather everyone!!
Between heat and broody hens, my egg production is way down, too. The Marans and Orps are the only ones really pulling their weight. The Welsummers, EEs and Ameraucanas aren't even making an effort! No Marans are broody. I have six various Orpingtons broody, down to two Wellies, and six Ameraucanas. No EEs broody, either.

Banriona, good to hear from you. Sorry about your doggy. :(
We are planning on moving and needing to shrink the flock....BIGTIME. below are breeds and birds I have listed for sale. I'm needing them gone by the end of this month (July).

if your interested in any birds please contact me by PMing me (and asking contact info)

I live right outside of Raleigh. I can meet halfway for birds.

all of these birds are negotiable in prices. please let me know if interested

***Please PM for pictures or questions***

Started Pullets:
- 2 buff laced polish, about 4 months old. (one lighter in color than other)

-1 splash silkie (1.5 years old) she had successfully hatched once and is now broody again and is super persistent.
-1 Americuana cross (1.5 years old)

-1 Japanese Bantam Americana cross cross. (orange with lacing and beautiful iridescent black tail)
-1 BEAUTIFUL Japanese bantam Splash silkie cross. (black, silver mottled and silver penciling)

I also have a Japanese bantam TRIO (and two of their offspring 2 weeks old) for serious offers only if interested. PM for details.
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I was starting to think my hens were sick or something. I haven't gotten an egg in 2 weeks. I'm realizing how many roosters I have and how much feed I'm buying. I'm gonna have to butcher some more roos even though they're not big enough. I spend $40 on feed a month and I'm not even getting any eggs this month!

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