North Carolina

Haha, well would you look at that.  I'm glad they quoted me correctly, minus the "ex-Marine" (once a Marine, always a Marine).

Very true, which is why I kind of took a haitus from FB for over a year, but reactivated it lately... just keep to myself a lot on there and don't really post anything sensitive like locations and stuff.

Yep, totally agree 100%. :)
For no reason in particular what do y'all do with all your eggs sell/donate/ use ?????

I don't have any yet, but I plan on eating them
I didn't think they could have mold. I did a lot of research on it too when I first started raising them. I didn't know if it can be washed off or whatever. Some of the berries and things have mold on a lot of them what if I cut the moldy spots out?
What about fruit that smells a little fermented? Also, is it common for a fox to attack or try to prey on possums? I found one under my porch. Well 2 actually. One ran off and it seemed fine and the other has a big sore on it's back and it looked a little "runny" It was dark and all I had was a flashlight to see. It was curled up in a ball under the porch under our gas tank for the boat. I felt so bad for him but I had to run him off. He didn't seem aggressive or anything. In fact he seemed pretty weak I managed to scare it off with the broom but not before he bit it. I left the broom outside to wash tomorrow with bleach. We have a lot of fox problems around here and I have that stray cat but he doesn't mind the possums and stuff. I am more concerned about that fox because if it attacked the possum then he could attack my stray cat! Sorry I'm rambling but I'm just so worried. I worry about my babies! (My chickens, cats and dogs) I have plans to get someone out here Monday to give my stray his rabies shot so at least I know he will be safe.

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