North Carolina

arianna, anymore chicks this morning
allabout that is a tough decision, cull or closed flock which would mean no more birds in or out. I am so sorry and too bad the person you got her from is a jerk,and probably selling birds all over western N.C. to unsuspecting souls. i saw you went to tractor supply a got some more chicks what breed? congratulations there..

arianna congrats on your new little one, hope there are more this morning.
No more chicks
I'm so sad.

Today I took each egg out, and gently opened the egg. I could not bare the thought of burry an egg with, possible, a life chick inside. So I opened each egg very gentle in case there was hope inside. All chicks had developed to a certain stage and then stopped. It seems that they all died at the same stage of development. Something must of happen. Is it possible that Foxy got off the eggs one night and only one chick made it.......

The lonely chick is very beautiful and he is doing great.
I'm sure I will have no problem finding another chick or two in the next few days, to give him some company.

What do I need to do next? Do I have to give the little chick some medication? Do I give separated food for the little one?(the mother hen has scratch grain).
When I raised the other chickens from day one, I didn't had a mother hen with them, and I had them on chick starter crumbles in a broody box with heath lamp for the first month.
This is a little different.
Thank you.
I am going to go out on a limb and say that you may want to report him to either your local animal control or you local state poultry inspector (you can find out who that is from your local ag office). If his birds are that sick and infected and he is selling them to unsuspecting buyers he is going to do some serious damage to allot of flocks here in NC!!

I for one would not want to come in contact with any of his stock or even someone who has been in contact with them unknowingly, that stuff is serious business. People like him are what's wrong the the poultry business. I have worked hard to keep my flock safe, clean and healthy, shame on him...

And yes, people should know who he is so they can immediately start to avoid buying sick birds from him. Just my personal opinion. Very sorry to hear that this has happened to you.
Good morning everyone!

Thank you all for your take on the hardware cloth. It was very helpful and I appreciate it!

DaddysChickens - They absolutely have my prayers!!! Circumstances like this have a way of making the world seem very small, don't they??

Arianna - What an adorable mommy and chick. I love her setup! Good luck finding a couple of siblings!

Allabout - I am so sorry about your hen. She is beautiful.

NH - My husband and I own a real estate firm in Cary and the permit issue is one that comes up often. We have never seen or heard of anyone actually getting fined but sometimes it can become an issue upon resale or when they reassess your property's tax value. That is the only time they will see there's a modification to the property that wasn't reported/permitted. And at least in Wake County all you have to do is get a permit after-the-fact. Your only expense issue is if you have to make major modifications to bring it up to code. So as long as you build it to code then if it does become an issue down the road for some reason you should be fine! **I am not a Realtor and am not speaking as one, just letting you know our experience within our firm as the Operations Manager!** We have done a handfull of transactions in JC, but I don't recall going through the permit situation there, but I can't imagine they are more strict there than in Wake County. Good luck!!!

Ooooh, and the bator gets here tomorrow!!! Now I have some MAJOR egg purchase decisions to make!! Eeeeek!!!

Have a good day everyone!
arianna when my hen hatched her 10 chicks I just fed everyone chick starter since I didn't separate them from the others.. just put oyster shell out for your hens separate it from the chick feed the hens will find it and get what they need to make egg shells, or you can feed Purina Flock Raiser crumbles from the start which ever you perfer.

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