North Carolina

k9 we're up the mountain in Burnsville. glad to have ya in this neck of the woods.

HT those are beautiful. Guess I know where I'll be getting birds from now on when I need some
hey do ya'll do the float test on eggs? and do you think it's accurate? I have 7 eggs under 2 hens due to hatch tomorrow and was going to do the float test later today to be sure they are still going strong. no pips or cracks yet.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys!

I appreciate it.

We were so anxious to get Hens after we built our coop that I went to the first ad on Craigs List that had adults posted. I came home with an assortment.

After having them for over a week, I am about to throw in the towel on the red comets and the Orphington. We brought home;
1 barred rock, 1 Orphington, 1 Ameracauna, 3 comets and 4 days latter got another Ameracauna. All are good size and were sold to us as laying hens although now after looking them over may be older birds, how can you age a bird?

The only ones that have layed for us are the barred Rock (1 egg the first day), the original Ameracauna (3 green eggs)and the late addition Ameracauna .
2 pretty blue eggs. We also brought home a 6 month Aracauna rooster (we were told he was a rooster initially but then spoke with her a few days latter
and said she 'thinks' he was a rooster???

A friend of mine pulled an assortment (6 total) of her Ameracauna eggs from her fertile laying hens, we bought a small incubator and
are hopefully going to be chickie moms in a couple of weeks.

How much longer do we give the others before we decide we will have an expensive chicken dinner? (paid 17 each for comets and Orphington.

I am a GSD nutt!

You can see our website here: --- hubby is a city cop for Hendersonville

Waiting for status change as I am curious what color the 2nd Ameracauna is I think she is a blue wheaton? She is my fav next to my
presumed Aracauna boy, he is a sweet heart.

K9Pines... how long have you had the chickens ? Sometimes they just need time to adjust. Good Luck incubating

Well I hatched out 15 more today, 7 Molted Java and 8 barred OEs.
I cleaned out the hatcher and locked down on duck eggs.
Also will have some eggs locked down on Friday, guess I will have to hatch them in the cabinet.
I did not do well with that Easter, ended up moving them all to the Brinsea. Hopefully this will go better, its only 30 eggs.

I have 1 tray almost empty and the plan is to keep it empty.... I don't know if I can...
BHep we picked the Hens up on April 18th. Thank you looking forward to seeing my first babies. Conchickulations on your hatches!

We have had them locked in the coop but as I type this hubby is cutting the door and ramp so they can go outside and free range, we will wait until tomorrow to let them out though as we are expecting some pretty serious storms soon.

Now that is funny!!!!

Welcome, K9PINES!!! These nice folks were just giving someone else advice and I seem to remember them saying that it can take several weeks after a move for them to get back to laying normally. I just have chicks, so I have no firsthand help to offer, but I bet they'll be great once they settle in!

MissLydia - I read a lot about the float test before doing it for my Cochin that never hatched and there were lots of warnings about not doing it until days after they're due to hatch in case it was to pip while in water because it would drown. So you could maybe candle? Or just be patient, though that's much harder!!! Good luck!!!!!!!

They are awesome!!!! How fun!! I am seriously jealous over here!

Birdcollector - looks awesome!!!!!!
Man, my kids have got to get well so we can get things back to normal and get working on our coop again!!!!! Yikes!

Have a good day everyone!
BHep, seeing is believing. conchickulations[you know what k9 said on this hatch,] but can you really keep that tray empty? !!! looking forward to seeing pictures.. and are these your call ducks in lock down?
OOOoo thats just over a week, give them time. I have 8 GCs they are 1 yr old this month. They lay enormous brown eggs, EVERY day. They are my best layers ! Not all chickens lay everyday, some skip a day here & there.

Yah know.... I am not sure how to tell the age of a chicken.
The ducks are eggs I bought at the local auction here. Supposed to be Magpies , 9/12 in lockdown....1/6 white call ducks (the rest were all clear
) and 1/12 mystery "hatching duck eggs" ( the rest were clear on them too ) good thing they were so cheap.

I will only be collecting the Peacock eggs, I have 3 in the incubator now that OI set on Monday & 1 more laid today, I would like to start setting just once a week. I may throw in some Serama or EEs, just to sell.

I can't help that I'm a hatchaholic.... I am not even sure there is a cure

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