North Carolina


Thanks! I'm excited except for the fact he's selling them straight run =( I feel rude vent sexing other peoples chicks to pick out the hens =(
I was getting frustrated only getting 3-5 eggs a day out of my 7 big girls, then last week 6-7 a day and now a consistent 7 a day.
went to clean around the wood pile and found a cache of 17 eggs! sneaky little girls!
I'm a newbie to the whole backyard chicken world. We're getting ready to build our first coop and hope to have some layers join our family within the next month. Hoping to learn a whole lot from you experienced folks.

Welcome aboard! Just let us know if we can help (And maybe you can help us learn how to post things correctly here!)
Can I just say the winter has let me get out of shape!

Never do a bunch of heavy duty stuff in the winter time - this year so no exception. Today I went and picked up 20 2X4s (by my self might I add, and managed to fit them in my car...(Don't ask) This on top of other errands I had to run.

Then I stopped by my friends on the way home since she called me last night to tell me about how the winds did a number on her coops yesterday while she was at work...

HOW in the world with the not horrible winds we had did a 10X10 dog kennel fly up 5 foot off the ground into a pine tree, and the industrial 20X10X10 fencing (another kennel she had when she had a rottie) that each panel weighs near 100 lbs get blown apart?

Well the smaller kennel had 2 coops in it and a rabbit hutch her chooks like to lay in, all of that was turned over with the kennel and in a big jumble. My friend is in her mid 50's lives alone and recently had a health scare - also no family that gives a darn or will help her. SO I took an hour and put everything back as best as I could without tools, jerry rigged what I could of the small pen. Moved the big heavy panels back into the proper position and left her a note telling her on her day off I'd be back with the right stuff and we could get the big pen back up and finish what I started. My good deed for the day
BUT oh my god am I tired...
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