North Dakota!

Yay found some more people in North Dakota!! how do y'all protect your chickens from the winter up here?
It's my first year with chickens up here, so I guess I'll find out. lol I matriculated from Michigan almost 10 years ago and always kept chickens, but this will be my first year with them in NoDak. I've insulated the coop, leaving a nice ridge of ventilation along the top, hoping they do well and don't wind up with frostbite.

What kind of chickens do you have?
It's my first year with chickens up here, so I guess I'll find out. lol I matriculated from Michigan almost 10 years ago and always kept chickens, but this will be my first year with them in NoDak. I've insulated the coop, leaving a nice ridge of ventilation along the top, hoping they do well and don't wind up with frostbite.

What kind of chickens do you have?

This is our first year with chickens up here as well. We moved up here from Florida! We have a bunch of different kinds. We have 29 total. We have some red and black star, a few light brahmas, some white crested black polish, blue andalusians, silver laced wyandotte, silver laced cochins, ameracanas, barred rock, and some cream legbars.
We are hoping to be able to use an old grain silo for a coop if we can work out breaking it down and transporting it(itbisba smaller one). If not we will probably use pallet wood and build one!

What about you? What kind and how many do you have? Also how old are yours? We just got ours in and I'm worried about them being still young when it gets cold. I'm hoping they will be ok!
This is our first year with chickens up here as well. We moved up here from Florida! We have a bunch of different kinds. We have 29 total. We have some red and black star, a few light brahmas, some white crested black polish, blue andalusians, silver laced wyandotte, silver laced cochins, ameracanas, barred rock, and some cream legbars.
We are hoping to be able to use an old grain silo for a coop if we can work out breaking it down and transporting it(itbisba smaller one). If not we will probably use pallet wood and build one!

What about you? What kind and how many do you have? Also how old are yours? We just got ours in and I'm worried about them being still young when it gets cold. I'm hoping they will be ok!

I have 13, 8 week old silver laced cochins, and then a mix of smaller chicks about 2 weeks old. There are 3 marans, a salmon favorolle, a white cochin, light brahma, sicilian buttercup, and a couple mysteries. If that wasn't enough I ordered a cackle surprise box that will be here the end of next week, so if you're worried about the age of your chicks going into winter, I'm even further behind. lol Chicken math.
I have 13, 8 week old silver laced cochins, and then a mix of smaller chicks about 2 weeks old. There are 3 marans, a salmon favorolle, a white cochin, light brahma, sicilian buttercup, and a couple mysteries. If that wasn't enough I ordered a cackle surprise box that will be here the end of next week, so if you're worried about the age of your chicks going into winter, I'm even further behind. lol Chicken math.
Haha ok I feel much better then!
The key up here is to keep them out of the wind and dry. I keep mine in an uninsulated coop and they do fine with a dirt floor. When it gets below -30 wind chill I give them a heat lamp. We also have about 100 birds so they generate alot of heat. I usually stay away from breeds with large single combs as they freeze easily in the cold. And I go with the heavier birds too. The key is keeping them busy all winter as they get bored easily. I give them things to pick at, cabbage, squash, and I keep a free range block in there too to keep them busy. I have a heated base for the water as well. Good luck I hope this info helps you out!
We are building our coop inside of our insulated detached garage. This will be our first year with chickens and I'm a bit nervous too but I think as long as they are out of the wind and snow they will do fine.

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