North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Hi everyone! I am new to backyard chickens and to chickens. We live in the Rathdrum area and I'm very happy to have found this thread.

Thank you! :) We currently have (2) golden laced wyandottes and will be getting (2) blue laced red wyandottes and (2) speckled sussex. What kind of chickens do you have?
Hello and Welcome!! I am between Athol and Spirit Lake. I have LOTS of chickens, especially chicks right now. I have a few of the blue laced red wyandottes that are chicks, just waiting to see whats what right now. My signature only shows part of them, which are the mature birds I have right now. This is a great group of people on this thread. Some of us have gotten together twice now and we welcome anyone who would like to join us.

We need to plan our next meeting. I did notice that we are not all women now too! I saw a post with the term "the missus" in it, just cannot remember who said it...

Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
My first Serama egg!
Would anyone be interested in some hens? We are getting more eggs than we can handle and with 100 up-and-coming chicks, we are willing to make arrangements to sell or trade them.

3 are Red Sex Links of some sort (Golden something) and they are just now turning 1 and laying everyday. 1 is a Rhode Island Red, I think. She lays everyday, but I have no idea how old she is now. She was a mature hen when I got her 2 years ago. Lastly, is an Easter Egger, she lays light green eggs. I'd keep her, but her eggs are the exact same color as my duck eggs. She doesn't lay very often, I don't think. She's also at least a few years old.

Let me know if you're interested in any or all of them. I also have some silkies and half silkies roosters that will be available in a month or so.
Thought I'd check in here to see if anyone has any ideas as to what these 2 cuties are.
I purchased 2 brahma banties, and 3 cochin banties 2 weeks ago. I can tell for sure my 2 brahmas and one of my cochin chicks looks "cochin" but these two don't really look like cochins to me...It might just be "hatchery quality" or I may not know what I'm talking about!
Either way, I would love an opinion!

Here is Willow/William depending...(S)he has no leg feathers, the start of a pea comb, and is fairly larger than the other "Cohcins"

This is Felicity/Napolian- This is the only one that I can tell is a cochin, "IT" has feathered legs, and very rounded appearance

And Amelia/Andrew Again, no leg feathers...She looks more like a cochin in body shape than chick #1 but still...
Thanks for the help!
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Welcome! Glad to know I'm not the only one new to this! ;-) How long have you had your chickens?
We just got the 2 golden wyandottes about a month ago! ;) The other babies are due at the end of the month. What kind and how long have you had yours?
Hello and Welcome!! I am between Athol and Spirit Lake. I have LOTS of chickens, especially chicks right now. I have a few of the blue laced red wyandottes that are chicks, just waiting to see whats what right now. My signature only shows part of them, which are the mature birds I have right now. This is a great group of people on this thread. Some of us have gotten together twice now and we welcome anyone who would like to join us.

We need to plan our next meeting. I did notice that we are not all women now too! I saw a post with the term "the missus" in it, just cannot remember who said it...

Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
Thank you! We are between Rathdrum and Spirit Lake. That is very awesome to hear! I am so glad because both my husband and I are very new to chickens...I've always only had 4-legged animals; pigs, sheep, goats, cows, dogs, cats...but never chickens. Well, as an adult. We had them when I was 2-ish but that was almost 4 decades ago lol. Somehow, I feel better saying decades...

I have lots of questions! Right now, I still have them in brooder and am letting them in their coop and run during the day. Hoping to get them transitioned to their coop 100% very soon, as they are getting almost too big for the brooder. :)

My first's still too cold at night for them to be in the coop 100% of the time, right? As soon as I figure out how to upload a picture of the ladies, I will :)
All 5 of my ducklings are 5 weeks old tomorow. They are all soo quiet. Very quiet chattering and peeping. Not a single loud one. And no quacking from anyone yet.....what are the chances i got 5 boys?!! Lol im hoping thats not possible. And really hoping someone starts quacking soon!!!
I even caught each one individually to see if anyone quacks and they all went silent when i held them

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