North Idaho / Eastern Washington


I have been reading up on Caponizing. Fasinating subject. Anybody tried it yet? Anybody want to? I would love to learn how. Doesn't make the bird cost less, but larger size and tender at an older age would be nice. No fighting also a plus.

I have been reading up on Caponizing. Fasinating subject. Anybody tried it yet? Anybody want to? I would love to learn how. Doesn't make the bird cost less, but larger size and tender at an older age would be nice. No fighting also a plus.

I've read up on it but I'm nervous about doing it. I have an old fashioned toolkit for doing it. I was going to chat with the hubs about trying it on one of our Biele roos. The one with the messed up comb. I can let you know if we are gonna give it a go, or if you have any young roos you want to practice on you can come over and use my kit. We can learn together.
Okay. I got them from the tractor supply in cda. I called and ask what hatchery they get them from and the guy told me they dont know. Do you know what hatchery they use? She had a real eye stripe when i got her at a couple days old.
What a cutie.
these are my ducklings 1yr ago, the one standing in the back facing left, is a buff O & the one just in front of her; mine did not have the eye stripe.
this is a Buff 1 yr ago.

Just because mine do not have a stripe and your do, doesnt mean too much, there could just be more color in your line??
You almost just have to wait until she/he is full grown and an adult and see how she featheres out.

Take care. talk to you later.
I have dubbed this the "Year of the Rooster". It's seems that myself and a lot of people I have talked to and read comments from are wondering what to do with all the extra roosters. It's getting pretty frustrating when you get expensive eggs, only to end up with mostly roosters, pretty spendy dinners.. Except of course the mix breed ones that are not selling, better odds there.. It figures.. Oh well, gives me an excuse to buy and. hatch some more..
I agree. I hatched 3 roosters and my hen hatched 4 roosters & 1 hen. this was last fall. this spring, i am not sure yet, a few look like roosters (comb size)??

I have been reading up on Caponizing. Fasinating subject. Anybody tried it yet? Anybody want to? I would love to learn how. Doesn't make the bird cost less, but larger size and tender at an older age would be nice. No fighting also a plus.
Yes, i would love to caponize one of my roosters who has attached me and my husband a few times. yesterday he caught me unaware and it hurt. we have to go buy propane for our outdoor burner, otherwise he would of been chicken soup. it will be soon, he is agressive and he is tearing up my hens. i need to seperate him (alone).
Yes, i would love to caponize one of my roosters who has attached me and my husband a few times. yesterday he caught me unaware and it hurt. we have to go buy propane for our outdoor burner, otherwise he would of been chicken soup. it will be soon, he is agressive and he is tearing up my hens. i need to seperate him (alone).

I have a couple young RIR roos that will be dinner someday, we could practice on them too. Not sure how old they have to be, they're about 6 weeks now.
Hi everyone!!!! My daughter has always wanted a silkie so I bought two this spring. The female was killed last week. She's pretty sad about it we had to put a lot of work into that poor girl. If anyone has any available or frizzled chicks or eggs, that would be wonderful. I have eggs I could trade as well.

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