North Idaho / Eastern Washington

jlashaw,Where are you at? I sent you a message on some eggs you can pick up, Frizzles come out 50/50 frizzle to smooth.

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Where did you get him?

I bought him from Dutch connection but he now resides with Hawk12
Lost all 5 of my blue slate turkey poults. Not sure what killed them and the hatchery won't give me a refund. So, if anyone has any blue slates of any age or even eggs, I would be very interested in buying some. Or even another heritage breed, at this point.
Yes, i would love to caponize one of my roosters who has attached me and my husband a few times. yesterday he caught me unaware and it hurt. we have to go buy propane for our outdoor burner, otherwise he would of been chicken soup. it will be soon, he is agressive and he is tearing up my hens. i need to seperate him (alone).

If he's a mature roo then it's too late to caponize
I have a couple young RIR roos that will be dinner someday, we could practice on them too. Not sure how old they have to be, they're about 6 weeks now.
Between 6 and 12 weeks is the recommended time. You want to do it before they really start getting hormones, the testicles grow a lot and are harder to remove over 12 weeks.

I "practiced" on already dead 6 month old roos and I only tried on one before I realized that they were much too old.
If he's a mature roo then it's too late to caponize
Between 6 and 12 weeks is the recommended time. You want to do it before they really start getting hormones, the testicles grow a lot and are harder to remove over 12 weeks.

I "practiced" on already dead 6 month old roos and I only tried on one before I realized that they were much too old.
Maybe I can bring them in a couple of weeks?
i hatched 0 out of 28. if you breed your ducks when they get older i would love to buy a few. I think they are beautiful ducks. I hope they are a calm duck. i have read that they are.
What is a good time, on Tue? Where do you live, Spirit Lake? I have a friend that just moved there a couple of weeks ago, maybe i can make a day of it. How old are your children. my friend has 3 children 6, 7 & 9 yo, or there abouts. she wants to get chickens and ducks later after they settle in.
Anyway, maybe i could introduce you or maybe she will come to one of our meets. Do you know when the next meet is? if it is soon, maybe i could p/u the ling then???
Hey, did you still want to grab a boy? Or wait a little? Unless you want to meet at N40 or country store in CDA tomorrow, I plan on being home all day w/exception of morning/afternoon school run for the boy child. Just PM me, I seem to check BYC once before bed now that I work daytime hours (or while at work on my lunch like today).
Oh, also!! I have a broody... Or wanna-be-broody... Sickie, on of our black Ameraucanas will NOT get off the "popular" nest at all yesterday, last night, still there this morning. Hissing and poofing away. She even stole the fake egg from the nest next to her. Fun times... Fun times... I don't think she's serious about it yet.

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