North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Setting some eggs on Sat.

I would like to set them sooner, but I may have to be out of town next month...
the tan eggs are SFH, the green/blue are blue isbar, the dark brown are BCM only 8 will probably make the cut. I really want the BCM to hatch.
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Oh I'm so excited! My D'uccle eggs are in the mail!!! I'm hatching them for someone else, but at least they'll be in the area!!

Anyone want some AM/Biele/mix eggs set? I haven't got the birds separated but I would know pure from mix once they hatch. $4 per egg set.

Some Ams may be Silkied Ams.
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So something weird happened, There was a new board out in my coop area on the ground that was not mine. it was pristine and stained like new with one new nail in it. I know every board out there. This was NOT one of mine. I will pack to my coop now.
So something weird happened, There was a new board out in my coop area on the ground that was not mine. it was pristine and stained like new with one new nail in it. I know every board out there. This was NOT one of mine. I will pack to my coop now.

Maybe someone gave it to you as a present :) that is strange though.
We are in closing on our new place! Should take ownership in the next two weeks. It's a small house, but it also has a barn with an already built chicken coop and it has several fenced areas. We still have to build a chicken run off the barn and wall off part of the barn, but it will be perfect for our poultry.

I'm also mixing a new feed mix for my birds. Really excited for that. Just about have everything sourced for it.
We are in closing on our new place! Should take ownership in the next two weeks. It's a small house, but it also has a barn with an already built chicken coop and it has several fenced areas. We still have to build a chicken run off the barn and wall off part of the barn, but it will be perfect for our poultry.

I'm also mixing a new feed mix for my birds. Really excited for that. Just about have everything sourced for it.

Sounds great... glad you found a good place..
You mixing your feed yourself? Buying the mineral bag and mixing it by hand? And certain recipe?
Sounds great... glad you found a good place..
You mixing your feed yourself? Buying the mineral bag and mixing it by hand? And certain recipe?

Not using the mineral bag. It doesn't absorb as well as chelated minerals, so instead we are ordering kelp and nutritional yeast as supplements. Birds will get all stock base from Wood's Hay and Grain, plus organic alfalfa pellets and trace salt if necessary. Ferment all that and offer kelp and yeast on the side mixed up along with free choice oyster. Then, supplement with meat/fish/bone scraps and mealworms and other bugs. Once we have our fencing up, I hope to be able to free range the chickens. And, extra eggs get fed back to them, of course. Should cover all nutritional needs and I just have to provide more protein to the flocks that specifically need it that way.

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