North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Not using the mineral bag. It doesn't absorb as well as chelated minerals, so instead we are ordering kelp and nutritional yeast as supplements. Birds will get all stock base from Wood's Hay and Grain, plus organic alfalfa pellets and trace salt if necessary. Ferment all that and offer kelp and yeast on the side mixed up along with free choice oyster. Then, supplement with meat/fish/bone scraps and mealworms and other bugs. Once we have our fencing up, I hope to be able to free range the chickens. And, extra eggs get fed back to them, of course. Should cover all nutritional needs and I just have to provide more protein to the flocks that specifically need it that way.

Interesting. . Where do you get your kelp from. ?
Is It Expensive?

It's $50 for 70#, which is cheap comparatively. Everywhere else runs $100-130+ with shipping, because most kelp in the country ships from the east coast. With the money I'm saving on bulk buying, I will be breaking even on the cost per 50# that I would pay otherwise, but I'll be getting non-gmo/organic instead of conventional/soy.
They are all under one hen now, 3 of the large ones I set a day ahead of the smaller ones, hoping they'd all hatch the same day. the large ones are still more advanced than the small ones. lg ones are bopping in the air cell.

Fri. for the bigger eggs Sat for the smaller ones...
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Thank you for sharing this! Too bad it is way down in the Southern part of the state
I have been wanting to go to a Serama show... I will have to see what my work schedule is..

I set these eggs, the X egg was not fertile. The small eggs went in a day later (all the eggs were due Fri./Sat) The 3 with the green L on them have pips this morning.

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