North Idaho / Eastern Washington

I like my babies to have a quilt the first week or so...

I also make them a little bed, see it to the right? it has a slip cover on it.

Jennifern as Annie Oakley...
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So cute @gimmie birdies I love the little bed!

I've got lockdown in a few days. I need to candle tonight and see what's still growing. ^_^
So my chickens have LT and MS. I will breed for resistance and vaccinate for LT.

on a happy note, 2 Bielefelder girls just hatched, so yay!!!

So I had this broody, and wanted to give her some frizzle/NN eggs, which she forgot which nest she was on and wrecked them. So I got some store eggs (the store got them from a near by farm.) and gave 9 to broody. I called the lady from the farm to ask about her eggs, she said that she didn't wash'm (yeah bloom!) and that they were NN. Yeah! I went to check on them The hen had got poo on them, (to her credit I think a hen was roosting on her nest box and did this.) and she ate an egg. Yoke was every where. I brought in the 8 eggs, damp clothed them, (bye-bye bloom)then put them in my incubator.

Since the lady at the farm said NN I grabbed my purse and went to the store and bought more eggs. gave the ma hen a new nest box gave her 6 this time and put the others in incubator after warming them up.
below is a 4 day old developer. of the first 8 I have 4/4 due 16th, 4 due the 18th showing signs,
and 12 due the 20th too early to call.

thank you Sara.. how are you doing? my polish are doing well. the black laced red polish is the more agressive rooster. he tries to fight w/my Australorp through the dividing chicken wire. i have not had them out together for fear of one getting hurt, probably my australorp.
what chicken projects are you involved with at this time?
thank you Sara.. how are you doing? my polish are doing well. the black laced red polish is the more agressive rooster. he tries to fight w/my Australorp through the dividing chicken wire. i have not had them out together for fear of one getting hurt, probably my australorp.
what chicken projects are you involved with at this time?

I'm doing well. You remember I was concerned about the ban on roosters lay time we talked? Well, turns out there was already one in effect that only a few people knew about. So, we've since moved out to the county near Rathdrum onto a 10 acre place.

Right now, I'm just trying to get everyone and everything moved and we are holding off on any projects. Of course, it doesn't help that all of my chickens are on strike. The ducks are still laying quite well, despite the rain. Next, though I'm planning on picking up a GQF incubator to hatch out lots of chicks in.

I'm not surprised he's a bit aggressive. I think if settled in with a few hens, he could make a good flock rooster, but there is always going to be a little bit of pecking order scuffle when they first get together. Are you keeping both of the Polish in a pen together still?

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