North Idaho / Eastern Washington

thank you Sara.. how are you doing? my polish are doing well. the black laced red polish is the more agressive rooster. he tries to fight w/my Australorp through the dividing chicken wire. i have not had them out together for fear of one getting hurt, probably my australorp.
what chicken projects are you involved with at this time?

I'm doing well. You remember I was concerned about the ban on roosters lay time we talked? Well, turns out there was already one in effect that only a few people knew about. So, we've since moved out to the county near Rathdrum onto a 10 acre place.

Right now, I'm just trying to get everyone and everything moved and we are holding off on any projects. Of course, it doesn't help that all of my chickens are on strike. The ducks are still laying quite well, despite the rain. Next, though I'm planning on picking up a GQF incubator to hatch out lots of chicks in.

I'm not surprised he's a bit aggressive. I think if settled in with a few hens, he could make a good flock rooster, but there is always going to be a little bit of pecking order scuffle when they first get together. Are you keeping both of the Polish in a pen together still?

Yes, both polish are in the same pen. the blue polish is much calmer. I have 4 roosters in a pen right next to them and the blue polish will roost and sleep next to my Silver Grey Dorking rooster, with chicken wire seperating them. I put a Seabright cockrel in w/t 4 roosters (in a seperate cage) and all the rossters, in both pens were in an uproar for a few days, they are calming down, i will let the Seabright out soon and see how they get along. i could use a couple more chichen pens, or cull some chickens.
I am so happy for you and your 10 acres. are there outbuildings on the property for your chickens & ducks? or do you have to build them?
how close are your neighbors?
Yes, both polish are in the same pen. the blue polish is much calmer. I have 4 roosters in a pen right next to them and the blue polish will roost and sleep next to my Silver Grey Dorking rooster, with chicken wire seperating them. I put a Seabright cockrel in w/t 4 roosters (in a seperate cage) and all the rossters, in both pens were in an uproar for a few days, they are calming down, i will let the Seabright out soon and see how they get along. i could use a couple more chichen pens, or cull some chickens.
I am so happy for you and your 10 acres. are there outbuildings on the property for your chickens & ducks? or do you have to build them?
how close are your neighbors?

The blue is much more of a dork lol After bring shuttled around so much, he just seemed to take life easy (little kids do a good job taming birds). I had a hard time culling down, too.

I just replaced my flock rooster, but the new rooster, while pretty, just isn't taking charge. I think my little Silkie roo is a mite bit too bossy, but if the Naked Necks or the silkie start laying again, he will be put in the breeding pen with them for a small hatch. That should knock him down a peg or two when I reintroduce him and the girls.

Part of what sold us on this place was the barn with a built on chicken coop. I had to muck it out and disinfect, but my chickens, turkeys and flying ducks are all happily housed in there. The geese and normal ducks are in a separate pen that was previously a pen for potbellies. I have 1 muscovy in quarantine I still need to find out place to keep, but I think if I trim a wing, I can put him in one of the spare pens away from everyone. This place has a lot of little pens, but no perimeter fencing, which is something we are already working on. Overall, we really like it and we had enough money left over from taxes that we can improve the things that need improving.
@WPFarmstead I love when there are already out-buildings or leanto's. our property had a 2 story house and the original home that was built in the early 50's; basicly a 2-room house and they made a chicken coop on one end of it. but this was all there was. Mark has built so much. now he is working on our property line to the north and east. we had a neighbor come out who works for the lumber company (Bennett) who owns land on our north and east property lines. we did not have it surveyed, so he came out w/his GPS and marked the property lines for us.... YA!! then Mark borrowed a dozer and cleared the brush and timber and now he just needs to put up the fencing and take down the old fencing that was way inside our property lines. now our horses will have so much more land to wonder on.
now with the days getting shorter we dont get a lot done ea day and we are retired. and i just dont have the strength that i use to when i was younger, so i cant do much to help Mark or even myself. He has to build everything i need for my ducks and chickens. i dont like being so dependant. but, thank God he is such a wonderful husband and willing and talented.
so, you like silkies? i saw them in person for the first time about 1 month ago. and one pullet kept coming over to me and wanting me to pet her. i almost bought her; she was like a puppy, not a chicken, so sweet. what colors do you breed?
@WPFarmstead I love when there are already out-buildings or leanto's. our property had a 2 story house and the original home that was built in the early 50's; basicly a 2-room house and they made a chicken coop on one end of it. but this was all there was. Mark has built so much. now he is working on our property line to the north and east. we had a neighbor come out who works for the lumber company (Bennett) who owns land on our north and east property lines. we did not have it surveyed, so he came out w/his GPS and marked the property lines for us.... YA!! then Mark borrowed a dozer and cleared the brush and timber and now he just needs to put up the fencing and take down the old fencing that was way inside our property lines. now our horses will have so much more land to wonder on.
now with the days getting shorter we dont get a lot done ea day and we are retired. and i just dont have the strength that i use to when i was younger, so i cant do much to help Mark or even myself. He has to build everything i need for my ducks and chickens. i dont like being so dependant. but, thank God he is such a wonderful husband and willing and talented.
so, you like silkies? i saw them in person for the first time about 1 month ago. and one pullet kept coming over to me and wanting me to pet her. i almost bought her; she was like a puppy, not a chicken, so sweet. what colors do you breed?

I'm the handy one around here. I followed my dad around like a list puppy while he worked on stuff when I was a kid. But my husband helps when I need the help. That's awesome that your husband is willing and able to do so much and I'm sure the horses are going to be quite happy to explore "the other side of the fence".

Pretty much all my silkies come out black, because my hen is black genetically, but white feathering. I just plan to breed those for myself, unless I get too many to hatch. I really want to breed out some showgirls this year, though. So, hopefully I will have plenty of those. This year is mostly about fun little projects.
@WPFarmstead oh my goodness, i just googled "Showgirl Chickens" they are adorable. are they bigger than the average silkie? The silkie that i almost bought was a buff color and so little & soft & cute.
this coming year i am going to just work on my SGD, RD, & LO. my polish and seabrights are ornimental pets. I really love the English Orps and may buy a couple next year, if i have the room.

Are you watching the world series? baseball? i have only seen the last 3 games. I am a tennis fan.
well, take care and be careful building your projects. that is so cool that you had a dad to teach you. I was such a tomboy, that if i grew up w/a dad who built things i definately would of followed him around also.

ETA: check out post #12667
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Some will be about the same size (I have a bantam Naked Neck) and others will be a little larger, out of my silkie roo over the naked neck hens. That would be a lot of cash to plunk down for a dozen eggs, especially if you only get a 50% hatch.

No, haven't been watching much. Saw part of the game last night. My husband isn't much into sports and I only tend to watch hockey or soccer, if I have time and they show the game on free tv. I used to work for a local sports bar and was able to watch a lot of games.

My dad did lots of repairs and remodeling to keep mom happy and he always volunteered to help other people, too. Now, he spends most of his time babysitting my little nephew and he's absolutely loving that.
Some will be about the same size (I have a bantam Naked Neck) and others will be a little larger, out of my silkie roo over the naked neck hens. That would be a lot of cash to plunk down for a dozen eggs, especially if you only get a 50% hatch.

No, haven't been watching much. Saw part of the game last night. My husband isn't much into sports and I only tend to watch hockey or soccer, if I have time and they show the game on free tv. I used to work for a local sports bar and was able to watch a lot of games.

My dad did lots of repairs and remodeling to keep mom happy and he always volunteered to help other people, too. Now, he spends most of his time babysitting my little nephew and he's absolutely loving that.

I didn't even read the auction on the silkies... oops, i was just looking at the pics. yes, that is alot of $$$
boy working at a sports bar, must of been a loud place to work, but can be fun if you can watch games as you work.
Awh, your dad sounds like an awesome dad.
Hi all, I'm looking into getting some chicks this coming spring. I'm torn between which hatchery I'm going to use, I really like the reviews I've seen about Meyer but I'm concerned about shipping chicks that far. Other hatcheries I'm looking at are Dunlap in Idaho and Ideal in Texas. Has anyone used Meyer with good results? Or the other two? Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for any advice!
Hi all, I'm looking into getting some chicks this coming spring. I'm torn between which hatchery I'm going to use, I really like the reviews I've seen about Meyer but I'm concerned about shipping chicks that far. Other hatcheries I'm looking at are Dunlap in Idaho and Ideal in Texas. Has anyone used Meyer with good results? Or the other two? Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for any advice!

Hi, welcome...
I have bought ducks from N.40/formerly Big R and i am happy with them. i have not bought chickens from them. I think they buy from Dunlap?
Some of the feed stores in this area use Dunlap to order their chickens & ducks, etc. so those of us who have bought from TSC or other feed stores may have some from them??
If you ask the feed store that you may buy from they should tell you where they buy from. that is if you do not want to buy directly from the hatchery.
I do not know of Ideal or Meyer. sorry, i am not much help, but just thought i would al least answer you.
What kind of chickens are you interested in? there are alot of BYC members in North ID and WA who sell chickens. just an idea for you.
hope this helps in some way.

ETA: to correct spelling
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Hi all, I'm looking into getting some chicks this coming spring. I'm torn between which hatchery I'm going to use, I really like the reviews I've seen about Meyer but I'm concerned about shipping chicks that far. Other hatcheries I'm looking at are Dunlap in Idaho and Ideal in Texas. Has anyone used Meyer with good results? Or the other two? Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Thanks for any advice!

What town do you live in? I live in Walla Walla and we have a store here called cascade. They are able to order in all kinds of different chicks, when I asked the guy where they got them he said he thinks Indiana. But they have a huge variety of breeds, including speckled Sussex which I never thought I would find at a Feedstore. So depending on where you are I would talk to the feed stores and see what they can get in.

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