Northern California Quail Fanciers

[whine]I want more eggs! Only one of my six hens is laying, and she's not laying every day. I've got a light that I turn on for them around 5 AM, and I turn it on again at night until about 9 PM, so they should be getting enough light. [/whine}

They're all around... 10 weeks old now? I'll check for sure when I get home. I know I just need to be patient, but they're great for breakfast!
[whine]I want more eggs! Only one of my six hens is laying, and she's not laying every day. I've got a light that I turn on for them around 5 AM, and I turn it on again at night until about 9 PM, so they should be getting enough light. [/whine}

They're all around... 10 weeks old now? I'll check for sure when I get home. I know I just need to be patient, but they're great for breakfast!

Hummmm your sure theyre all hens? And that theyre getn the proper calcium? Quail can be tough to sex til theres foam or i see em crow i dont discount anything. An extra roo over em will keep em from laying. Anyway a pred is bothering them? Even a mouse or rat poses a danger.
Hummmm your sure theyre all hens? And that theyre getn the proper calcium? Quail can be tough to sex til theres foam or i see em crow i dont discount anything. An extra roo over em will keep em from laying. Anyway a pred is bothering them? Even a mouse or rat poses a danger.
I have six hens and two roos in a 20 square foot enclosure. Four of the hens and one of the roos are falb fee (feather sexable), the silver is definitely male since he's mounted everything that moves in there, and the other two hens (silver and pale red) are hens I got from @CoturnixComplex.

The silver roo has calmed down a lot in the weeks he's been in with the hens. The falb fee roo is very submissive and hasn't bothered anyone as far as I can tell. I haven't seen anyone chasing anyone in weeks.

They have a separate dish available at all times that contains crushed oyster shell and crushed egg shell in tiny, quail-size pieces.

There might be something disturbing them at night. Something has been eating my tomatoes and leaving half eaten ones on the ground. I'm not sure how I can stop that, though.

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