Not laying as much recently


Mar 30, 2020
I’ve notice the past couple weeks my chickens haven’t been laying near as much. They’re 3 years old this year but a month ago I was getting a lot more eggs. Now I get like 3-4 a day from 10 chickens when it used to be 8-10. Everyone seems healthy. They have plenty of water and food. I give them oyster shell everyday when I toss them a handful of scratch grains. Just curious if it’s a time of year thing or maybe I’m missing something. Thanks.
I’ve notice the past couple weeks my chickens haven’t been laying near as much. They’re 3 years old this year but a month ago I was getting a lot more eggs. Now I get like 3-4 a day from 10 chickens when it used to be 8-10. Everyone seems healthy. They have plenty of water and food. I give them oyster shell everyday when I toss them a handful of scratch grains. Just curious if it’s a time of year thing or maybe I’m missing something. Thanks.
Where are you located? When it's exceptionally hot my egg production goes down a bit. What kind of breeds do you have? Have you checked for lice and mites? What do you feed?
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I’ve notice the past couple weeks my chickens haven’t been laying near as much. They’re 3 years old this year but a month ago I was getting a lot more eggs. Now I get like 3-4 a day from 10 chickens when it used to be 8-10. Everyone seems healthy. They have plenty of water and food. I give them oyster shell everyday when I toss them a handful of scratch grains. Just curious if it’s a time of year thing or maybe I’m missing something. Thanks.
i am having the same issue.I have ISA brown layers. i feed all the things you do. and give them greens as well. Last year this time i was getting 11eggs out of 12 hens.Now the most i have gotten is 4-6 eggs. Even my silkys arent laying regularly. I live in southern PA. It hasnt been hot but only a couple of days. Something is going on. No one is molting either.
Where are you located? When it's exceptionally hot my egg production goes down a bit. What kind of breeds do you have? Have you checked for lice and mites? What do you feed?
I’m in NJ it’s been warm it not hot. I have all mixed breeds. I checked for mites today on three of them didn’t see a thing. I feed them nutrena layer feed. I noticed a few are missing a couple feathers on their heads. I really checked not a single mite. I take pride in how clean I keep their coop they even get nice smelling herbs throw in the coop. I’m debating throwing their food out and just getting new. I’m not sure what it is and it’s frustrating. I don’t care I’m not getting eggs just don’t want them to be sick or anything.
i am having the same issue.I have ISA brown layers. i feed all the things you do. and give them greens as well. Last year this time i was getting 11eggs out of 12 hens.Now the most i have gotten is 4-6 eggs. Even my silkys arent laying regularly. I live in southern PA. It hasnt been hot but only a couple of days. Something is going on. No one is molting either.
I don’t know what’s going on either. I have one hen that been just sitting in one of the nesting boxes she’s never done it before but when I pick her up and put her back in the run she walks drinks and eats like normal but then she’ll go back to the nesting box to sit. Not sure if I should be worried about her or if she’s just being broody for her first time ever.
I don’t know what’s going on either. I have one hen that been just sitting in one of the nesting boxes she’s never done it before but when I pick her up and put her back in the run she walks drinks and eats like normal but then she’ll go back to the nesting box to sit. Not sure if I should be worried about her or if she’s just being broody for her first time ever.
sounds like shes broody. my silky hen (1 1/2 years old) has been broody twice since november. The first time i let her sit on some fertilized eggs then took them from her to finish in the incubtor. This time i kept taking the eggs from the start (these are not fertile) and she gave up and is back with the group.
I don’t know what’s going on either. I have one hen that been just sitting in one of the nesting boxes she’s never done it before but when I pick her up and put her back in the run she walks drinks and eats like normal but then she’ll go back to the nesting box to sit. Not sure if I should be worried about her or if she’s just being broody for her first time ever.
She sounds broody, does she stay on nests overnight? Puff up or flatten down if you try to touch her? Make a weird ticking sound? Featherless patch on her belly?
Same here, coastal NorCal, in the last week eggs have dropped 50%. There have been some warm days but it has been mostly mild. They don't look like they are molting though some look like the rooster has been a little rough. They are about 15 months old.

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