Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or A Cockerel? Click Here!

My 4.5wk RIR, guesses?

Lookin' like a rooster.. a few more weeks and you should have a positive answer. :)
I'm pretty sure it is a pullet.. all my laying hens looked like this as well when they were this age; a little pink in comb with slight wattle development. Notta worry, I'm thinkin' this is most likely a little girl!!:)

What a relief! It's the biggest one in my flock that seems to protect the littlest one (baby aka grace) who seems to be the runt and they get along great and I didn't want to separate them
Oooo - thanks! I'll start you off with an easy one, probably. My hatched babies are just three weeks and one day, but I'm pretty sure we've got a double roo situation on our hands here. The both sprouted feathers and little tails within the first few days, which made me hopeful. But right around two weeks the pink combs and wattles appeared. Here is Pat, the Black Copper Maran: Here is Lou, the American Bresse: I'm guessing zero percent chance that either of my little guys is a pullet, but would love to get an expert opinion!
Those darn pink combs at such a young age always give the Roos away.
When we got our chicks I was super excited that the ranch store had two welsummer chicks left over from the week before as I really wanted Welsummers in my flock. I thought they were both female but now I'm starting to second guess myself. They are about 3 weeks old. Thank you so much in advance for your help!
3 weeks is too early to be sure but they look like pullets at the moment. If you not sure in a couple of weeks or so just ask me!
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Green eggs mean an Easter Egger. True Ameraucanas only lay blue eggs and only come in certain color varieties. EEs can be any color or pattern, and lay blue, green brown or even pinkish eggs. If one parent was a true Ameraucana then this chick would lay green eggs if it is a pullet. Since one or both parents are EEs you will have to wait and see if it will lay eggs, and what color. Though it does have a pea comb so there is a good chance it will be a blue or green layer if it is female. The pea comb and blue egg gene are closely linked.

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