Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Wow, these are eggs hatched in your incubator!? Amazing that they would be all pullets! What did you keep your temperature at during incubation? Yeah, you sure must be! When I hatch usually over half are roosters!
They did! I kept the temperature at about 100 the whole time. Other than a few minor spikes above and below by 1/2 degree, it was consistently 100. It's beginners luck! Ha! I have 12 bantam eggs incubating, 5 under a broody silkie, and 7 in my incubator. We'll see how lucky I get this time! :)
For starters it is now crowing each morning. Also, it is VERY mean to the other hens herding and even biting them. Here is a better shot showing the reddening, the red just started to appear this weekend.

Sorry, those are roosters :(
Hey folks! I have 4 beautiful wyandotte chicks that are 11 weeks old. I swear they all look like pullets to me, but I doubt I got that lucky. I just wondered if anyone else might be able to tell!
This is all 4, well call them 1, 2, 3, and 4 from left to right.
Below is another photo of chick 1.

Below is chick 2 & 4.

and last but not least, another photo of chick 3 below

Their combs and wattles are very light colored, not red at all. The combs and wattles are small also, not very prominent and developed like a cockerel. This is my first experience with this breed, so I'm stumped! Thanks in advance for any help!
Yeah, those do look like pullets.
Can u tell me if this blue polish is a pullet

For starters it is now crowing each morning. Also, it is VERY mean to the other hens herding and even biting them. Here is a better shot showing the reddening, the red just started to appear this weekend.

If it's crowing and bothering the hens, you've got a rooster. The tail also looks like a rooster's tail, and if the comb is reddening up, that sounds like a rooster.

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