Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2


Here's a closer picture of Trudy's face.

I still think pullet for now.. :)
Ok this should be my last one for this year anyway (as long as there's no possible way a black sex link from the pullet bin could be a cockerel). But this is Biscuit, a barred rock from the feed store pullet bin. Due to his coloring and our own research, we are assuming it's a cockerel, but would still like confirmation! He's about 8 weeks old.



Ok this should be my last one for this year anyway (as long as there's no possible way a black sex link from the pullet bin could be a cockerel). But this is Biscuit, a barred rock from the feed store pullet bin. Due to his coloring and our own research, we are assuming it's a cockerel, but would still like confirmation! He's about 8 weeks old.

he is a cockerel your other barred rock is a pullet
Alright big update all 21 birds
They're growing so much

I swear I own a zoo lol I love my chicks they're beautiful and lovely the bigger chicks love the babies except Jon and Daenerys I'm pretty sure it's the old English game in them they're separated but get to see each other

21 birds, wow! And I thought *I* had a zoo with 6 chickens (will have 4 once we rehome the 2 roosters), 2 dogs, a fish, 2 snails, aND a brand new kitten! (Not to mention 7 people lol)

Your birds are so pretty too!
First time to have chickens so we need a little help with gender, I believe they are all about 5-7months.
We were told they were New Hamspire Reds. I'm pretty sure they are all female but would like a double check. There are two other chickens that are not reds.

Thanks for the help!

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