Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2





I had posted back on July 2 nd asking if my " barred rock" was a pulled or roo, but I'm not 100% on the breed and can't help but be afraid of these tail feathers! It's about 10-11 weeks old, but I hear they can be late bloomers. Scared to find out that it's a barred black sex link, any more thoughts or info? Not trying to crow.... Thanks!

I had posted back on July 2 nd asking if my " barred rock" was a pulled or roo, but I'm not 100% on the breed and can't help but be afraid of these tail feathers! It's about 10-11 weeks old, but I hear they can be late bloomers. Scared to find out that it's a barred black sex link, any more thoughts or info? Not trying to crow.... Thanks!
Pullet. She's just molting her tail feathers right now. See how she only has those few feathers left in her tail? They are curving because they are getting pushed out by the new feathers coming in.
First time to have chickens so we need a little help with gender, I believe they are all about 5-7months.
We were told they were New Hamspire Reds. I'm pretty sure they are all female but would like a double check. There are two other chickens that are not reds.

Thanks for the help!
They all look like pullets. Cockerels are usually crowing by 5 months.

6 month old Lavendar Orpington--think this is a cockerel. Anyone agree?
Looks like it has male feathers in the saddle area. Not very clear in the pic, though. A male at 6 months will have long, narrow, pointed saddle feathers (either side of the base of the tail). Pullets have short rounded feathers in this area that look the same as the rest of the body feathers.
The saddle feather are rather long and pointy--at least compared to the other that are definitely hens. I did hear a couple of crows this morning, but not very loud at all. This chicken is so scared too--not like I would expect a cockerel to act, though she is still young I guess. He is only protective of the other chicken that came with him (a Black Orpington pullet) and is petri d of the other girls. Hopefully he will stay calm and quiet!
The saddle feather are rather long and pointy--at least compared to the other that are definitely hens. I did hear a couple of crows this morning, but not very loud at all. This chicken is so scared too--not like I would expect a cockerel to act, though she is still young I guess. He is only protective of the other chicken that came with him (a Black Orpington pullet) and is petri d of the other girls. Hopefully he will stay calm and quiet!

Calm maybe, but quiet? Doubtful. Although the bigger birds have a deeper more mellow crow that is kind of nice. If it has long saddle feathers, you have a cockerel.

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