Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I have comets, but I'm no expert on them. They are my friendly chickens that give me eggs. LOL

I can tell you with combs and wattles that red, and that approximate age, if they aren't laying yet, they will be soon. Some of my girls' combs are about that big, and their hackle feathers are pointy. Saddle feathers are round though, and I can't really tell from your picture.

Edit to add - I had a group of 8, the first one started laying right at 18 weeks. Within 2 weeks, all 8 were laying.

I will try to post another picture. I'd like them to be female...but if they are roosters, no amount of wishing will make them girls...LOL
The smaller tail will most likely fill out with time. Some cockerels/roosters just have smaller sickle feathers. What gives it away is the size and redness of the comb and wattles as well as the pointy hackle, saddle and sickle feathers. They also both have big feet and legs, which is a common trait of cockerels.

The boy on the left is also more white, and Golden Comet males are supposed to be, but if they aren't sex link, that wouldn't really apply. Also, they aren't 25 weeks old. Even 18 is a stretch, but could be accurate.

It is normal for an adult, mature hen to have a big comb and wattles. Not for a young female chicken, though. You most certainly have two boys.
I agree they have big legs. I'm confused on the age given the hatched Mar 1st comment and then I was told they were like 14 weeks old when I got them 4 weeks ago....that makes 18 the age now. But the math doesn't add up...
Yeah, it doesn't. You definitely have two boys, absolutely no doubt at all. Sorry.
Explains the lack of egg laying....LOL

Unfortunately, the bigger one does not like the smallest babies in the brooder. I'm hoping once they are larger and can join the coop it won't be an issue...I'd hate to have a chicken murder...
Explains the lack of egg laying....LOL

Unfortunately, the bigger one does not like the smallest babies in the brooder. I'm hoping once they are larger and can join the coop it won't be an issue...I'd hate to have a chicken murder...

Haha! That isn't a good sign, just hope he outgrows it! It would be wise to make sure he isn't around the little chicks without supervision until they are older or he calms down. Are you planning on keeping them?
Haha! That isn't a good sign, just hope he outgrows it! It would be wise to make sure he isn't around the little chicks without supervision until they are older or he calms down. Are you planning on keeping them?
DH says we can keep them if they "stay quiet"..that we could try to hatch some of the eggs if one of the hen's is broody. Otherwise we'll have to get rid of them. I'm wondering how loud they will be given the distance of the coop from the house. We're on 13 acres, so neighbors being disturbed should not be much of a factor.

I know I haven't really thought of a plan if any of the 12 we have turned out to be roosters.....this is my first flock, so I'm learning so much...
I have comets, but I'm no expert on them. They are my friendly chickens that give me eggs. LOL I can tell you with combs and wattles that red, and that approximate age, if they aren't laying yet, they will be soon. Some of my girls' combs are about that big, and their hackle feathers are pointy. Saddle feathers are round though, and I can't really tell from your picture. Edit to add - I had a group of 8, the first one started laying right at 18 weeks. Within 2 weeks, all 8 were laying.
These are more pix of the two in "question"
I have comets, but I'm no expert on them. They are my friendly chickens that give me eggs. LOL

I can tell you with combs and wattles that red, and that approximate age, if they aren't laying yet, they will be soon. Some of my girls' combs are about that big, and their hackle feathers are pointy. Saddle feathers are round though, and I can't really tell from your picture.

Edit to add - I had a group of 8, the first one started laying right at 18 weeks. Within 2 weeks, all 8 were laying.

Can you see the saddle feathers on the 2 new pix I posted. Interested to learn what I'm looking for in regards to male vs female feathers
Definitely second generation red sexlink males.
Makes me wonder who was the one mistaken when they sold me these "hens" at about 14 weeks of age. The breeder who sold them as chicks or the owner who advertised them as golden comets ready to start laying any day now given the red comb....(he was rehomeing about 4 of his chickens due to his HOA rules on how many chickens he could have....when DH picked them up, he said the owner and he just chased around like 8 golden comets and these were the 2 they it was "random" who we got)

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