Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

Hi 'TheKindaFarmGal' honestly I can't say other than my son got it around 6 months ago.

He (son) isn't the most "observant" so his response to how big was 'she' etc is oh a bit smaller but that could mean virtually the same size up to being say half as big but pretty safe it wasn't chick sized. I will say that my son's dad was surprised when I told him on Sunday night that it was trying to crow as obviously he had never heard it and he is an early riser who would be outside around that time of day (ie early morning).

At dad's place was definitely the smallest chicken which makes me wonder if it decided that being only chicken here (at time) that it would be the dominant one and start acting like a boy.

You definitely have a girl. She could be just a hen that crows sporadically, or singing the "egg song". And she is a Polish, maybe a mix.
I think I have posted this question in the wrong place before.
I have a baby cochin that my kids picked out a few weeks ago because it had pretty unique colours. This baby is about 8-10 weeks. We want to know if its a baby boy or baby girl.






18 week old campine. I've been told on here thAt she's a pulley. I just want to ask again. She is so mean to our new girl I think she would kill her. She also crows. Every morning and randomly throughout the day. Help!


18 week old campine. I've been told on here thAt she's a pullet. I just want to ask again. She is so mean to our new girl I think she would kill her. She also crows. Every morning and randomly throughout the day. Help!
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Sorry, but both are cockerels. The huge comb and wattles and pointy hackle, saddle and sickle feathers give it away.

I can fully believe the one of the right is a rooster. The Giant tail and the way it puffs and fluffts up the neck . But the other has a smaller tail. and since I'm no expert, I don't know if the wattle and comb is huge vs whatever a female of this type would have. I would enjoy some more information and explanation on how both are obviously boys. this is fasinating!!!!! thanks for the quick reply
I can fully believe the one of the right is a rooster. The Giant tail and the way it puffs and fluffts up the neck . But the other has a smaller tail. and since I'm no expert, I don't know if the wattle and comb is huge vs whatever a female of this type would have. I would enjoy some more information and explanation on how both are obviously boys. this is fasinating!!!!! thanks for the quick reply

I have comets, but I'm no expert on them. They are my friendly chickens that give me eggs. LOL

I can tell you with combs and wattles that red, and that approximate age, if they aren't laying yet, they will be soon. Some of my girls' combs are about that big, and their hackle feathers are pointy. Saddle feathers are round though, and I can't really tell from your picture.

Edit to add - I had a group of 8, the first one started laying right at 18 weeks. Within 2 weeks, all 8 were laying.

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I can fully believe the one of the right is a rooster. The Giant tail and the way it puffs and fluffts up the neck . But the other has a smaller tail. and since I'm no expert, I don't know if the wattle and comb is huge vs whatever a female of this type would have. I would enjoy some more information and explanation on how both are obviously boys. this is fasinating!!!!! thanks for the quick reply

The smaller tail will most likely fill out with time. Some cockerels/roosters just have smaller sickle feathers. What gives it away is the size and redness of the comb and wattles as well as the pointy hackle, saddle and sickle feathers. They also both have big feet and legs, which is a common trait of cockerels.

The boy on the left is also more white, and Golden Comet males are supposed to be, but if they aren't sex link, that wouldn't really apply. Also, they aren't 25 weeks old. Even 18 is a stretch, but could be accurate.

It is normal for an adult, mature hen to have a big comb and wattles. Not for a young female chicken, though. You most certainly have two boys.

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