Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

junebuggena, I am wondering at what age it becomes pretty clear whether you have cockerels? Looking back at polish pics it became pretty clear for them by about 14 weeks. What about buckeyes and sussex? For most breeds is there an age when the features become fairly clear? I know with favorelles there are color differences by 4 weeks or so. Some breeds seem quite a bit harder and may take longer. Is there an age by which, if you have done your homework, you should see the tail/wattle/crest development etc. that would give it away for just about any breed?
junebuggena, I am wondering at what age it becomes pretty clear whether you have cockerels? Looking back at polish pics it became pretty clear for them by about 14 weeks. What about buckeyes and sussex? For most breeds is there an age when the features become fairly clear? I know with favorelles there are color differences by 4 weeks or so. Some breeds seem quite a bit harder and may take longer. Is there an age by which, if you have done your homework, you should see the tail/wattle/crest development etc. that would give it away for just about any breed?
It's quite variable. Some males are obvious at only a few weeks old. Others aren't really obviously male until the saddle feathers start coming in. It can vary even with males that are the same breed. Usually, you can spot coloration indicators between 6 to 8 weeks. Then there is comb and wattle development to consider. Last comes the male specific feathering as further confirmation.
Is about 4 months in the pictures. Pullet or Cockerel?


(Don't mind the stuff in the background)
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Cross posting as thought might get seen easier here.

Do you think this is a hen or rooster White Crested Black Polish? It does appear to be trying very feebly lol to crow but from googling I've seen comments that they do sometimes. Thanks



Looks like one of my little girls might be a little guy. I don't see any red in the comb (which is nearly non-existent) or wattle, but these look like the start of saddle feathers:
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Hi 'TheKindaFarmGal' honestly I can't say other than my son got it around 6 months ago.

He (son) isn't the most "observant" so his response to how big was 'she' etc is oh a bit smaller but that could mean virtually the same size up to being say half as big but pretty safe it wasn't chick sized. I will say that my son's dad was surprised when I told him on Sunday night that it was trying to crow as obviously he had never heard it and he is an early riser who would be outside around that time of day (ie early morning).

At dad's place was definitely the smallest chicken which makes me wonder if it decided that being only chicken here (at time) that it would be the dominant one and start acting like a boy.

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