Not sure what's gone wrong... A few questions...

lol! Okay. I'll get myself to bed then and cut cartons in the morning. I'm going a bit cross-eyed!

I'll do-up the humidity and stop fussing in the morning. I'll keep you posted!
Thanks for the help guys
Do what you are more comfortable with. Everyone on the forum will have their own opinions and experience of course. The only time I've lost any was either due to power outage during lock down and the times I tried the carton method. I was warned against it by some experienced friends but I heard from a couple on the forum that they preferred it and I figured I'd try it since I'm all for a cleaner hatch with less mess. I've since decided I'll take the larger mess for the higher hatch rate.
Ack! Dream after dream after dream of hatching those darn eggs! In one dream, 6 chicks came out of one egg! 2 were dying, but I held them in the sunlight and it brought them back and all 6 lived. Dreams of my cats snatching and eating the chicks as they hatched. Dreams of the eggs disappearing from the incubator... Dreams of waiting another 2 weeks for them to hatch... Dreams of dropping the incubator... WHAT A HORRIBLE NIGHT! lol! Lockdown shall commence this morning anyhow, we'll see what happens...
Don't be alarmed about the air cell being on the fat end...that is where it is supposed to be! Fat end up!

Oh okay. Why then do I have some with air pockets on the pointy end? For some reason I thought pointy end is where it was supposed to be. SHould I put the point-end-air-pocket eggs upright?

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