Not the typical Ameraucana...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 13, 2011
SW Florida

Here's our "bearded lady", Teriyaki. We got her from a friend a few months back and were told she was an Ameraucana. Now that she's laying, I'm not so sure of her breed...


Her eggs are the creamy/white ones! She also has a single comb and grey feet.
If anyone has a guess as to what breed or mix she is, I'd appreciate your input

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She looks like a lovely Easter Egger. They can lay any color of egg, and while they look similar to an Ameraucana, they are not quite the same. Beautiful little lady!
She is not an Ameraucana or Easter egger-She has a straight comb which gives-brown and the spectrum of brownish eggs not colored..Either way..She's a pretty bird giving you eggs
Your answers have gotten me wondering... Our other "Ameraucana" came from the same batch of chicks. Here's Mrs. Fluffles:


She doesn't have ear puffs and no beard, but she lays green eggs... could she be an EE also??
Thanks so much for responding
How can that be an EE? I would think it would be just a mutt ( I know and EE is a mutt too) but I mean this one just looked like a mutt mutt ( NO OFFENSE TO THE OP-I think she's beautiful)
So when you look at her you really think EE? She doesn't lay colored eggs nor has a pea comb, which is typical of EE's..Now I know I have had mutts that I breed just for eggs and you'd consider them all EE's???

Now, the second one I'd consider an EE because of her comb type and she lays a green egg.
Easter egger=colored egg ( typically) What am I not getting here?

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