November 15th Quilt Swap

Where are you all today? Have you all got hangovers from the Thanksgivivng parties or are you all at the Black Friday sales?

No such luck here, hung over from a horrible shift at work, all the crazies out all night long. The holidays always brings out the crazies and the domestics
no spoilers but I just gotta say,

These blocks are sooooo lovely, really, wow!
And they go very nicely with each other, better than I imagined.

I'm gonna go pet my set of blocks and introduce them to my stash to see how I'm going to finish this fun!!!
I'm preparing for round 2 of the turkey dinner, speaking of turkey, wow was my girl the star of the show, she did all of us proud, lots of beautiful white meat and more than enough to feed 12 people, I have the other one getting ready to go to freezer camp, my son will be home for Christmas so I am saving that bird for when he comes home. So I cook for a couple of people who don't have families etc anyway because I am now saving my other turkey I had to buy a turkey, should have had 4 birds for this year. but will defiantly do this again. and I will only cook one time for Christmas. As for black friday I let the crazies have it this year.

Hope you are happy with your blocks.

@FeyRaine I am going to have to bow out of the NYD hatch, I realized I won't have a place for them as my brooder is growing out 15 birds now. Oh well Easter is coming
I've had a busy week too! The charity of which I am chairman has put on a "Christmas Cabaret" as a fund raiser, which hopefully has brought in nearly a £1000. Everyone gave their services free except the military wives choir who charged us £120 to sing four songs, half of them where Ill so only about a dozen turned up and they weren't very good!
Yesterday my husband had to go to London for a meeting about how farmers can help bees and he was meant to go and pick up a trailer load of market stalls for the village Christmas fair from the other side of the county. He presueded me to take his truck and pick them up-it would only be a small trailer and I wouldn't even know it was there! When I got there it was the size of a small house! The truck could barely pull it and we came home very slowly!
Today's drama has been that a rat has attacked one of our guinea pigs, don't think it will survive but we will give it a chance. Just as we were putting it back to the now "wired to within an inch of its life "run my husband looked up and saw one of next doors bulls walking across his Newley sown field he and it's owner are now trying to put it back the right side of the fence!
Wow they should give you a refund, should have donated their services, but your DH was really happy to see the neighbors cow stomping threw his field and clean out the wound really good and use super glue for stitches, it works
I have a paint silkie/phoenix week old chick so tiny he has to be in a finch cage. He'll be the 'head' baby for at least three batches of chicks. I'm letting more of my small eggs hatch. I have to keep them in the house so they get more care and consistent temps. They just don't make it outside with the free rangers.

There's a print with a cowboy and red truck by Alexander Henry that is hot-cha-cha. (not shown)
I received my blocks today and they are just beautiful! I think they will come together very nicely and make an awesome quilt. Our weather is supposed to give us a complementary 17" of snow within the new two days. I need to get out there to move some things before they are lost till Spring, but the migraine isn't letting me.
I received my blocks today and they are just beautiful! I think they will come together very nicely and make an awesome quilt. Our weather is supposed to give us a complementary 17" of snow within the new two days. I need to get out there to move some things before they are lost till Spring, but the migraine isn't letting me.
17" not thanks! sorry you aren't feeling well too, at least the blocks ARE lovely so that is a happy thing :)

We are having a little warming trend here, & as I just worked out an extream case of chicken math for the winter I spent a couple hrs outside in the foggy drizzle cleaning -- washed the windows on the main coop/pen, it is set up w/ a wall of glass doors facing south w/ the roost ladder style where they will get what winter sun/heat there is, helps keep their water above freezing some days in the winter too, then I did some shoveling for the Bourbon Girls (Turkey) so when I convinced them to come back out of a pine tree & check out their coop they were very happy, then I looked at my supposedly empty for winter coops & pens and what fixes they will need to house the additional birds over winter...very good thing we have this warming trend for a few more days, b/c I have several more hrs of work to get ready for the new birds...and the tractor is not working this week, so hiking 800 ft UP (yes that much change in elevation from house to barn) is better now than in ice/snow like last wk.

Crossing fingers that new battery is all the tractor needs.

Trying to decide if I want to do sashing around these blocks or not. I've got fabric to make a bunch more to go w/ them as I want a Queen sized quilt. I'm leaning towards connecting the blocks directly and just making that many more additional ones, since they work up so fast.

Hope everyone else gets their blocks asap!

Oh & my hates chickens, couldn't care less about quilts DH was mighty impressed to finally hear me that we have an International group of quilt swapers ;>

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