November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Congrats on the new olive egger. I like those surprise mixes. I'm sure she'll continue to be a good, healthy layer. I too have been surprised by those olive eggs. I had a giant Easter-Orp. She had the solid body of an orp (all black with black legs) with the cheeks of an EE. We gave her to a friend where she's rather spoiled. The hen ended up getting even fluffier by 1 year old, but did not take 8mo to lay that 1st egg - like most of my orps.

Oh my, she is the shape of her head..I am a puffy cheek lovin chicken person. Beautiful. :)
Saw the 1st & only pip this morning at 7am.
At 8:30am we noticed 2 more pips &


Oh my goodness! Are those Buttons? I know they are all small..maybe the photo just makes them look like the tiny Buttons. I did that once for fun. And yes, someone said popcorn! lol...they are so fun.
Thanks so much for the beautiful pics and info!
Now I can say I saw a zip! I had thought the colder weather might delay their hatch a bit. Of course--everything seeming opposite with this hatch--they're trying to get out early. I never stop smiling at how sweet the hatching process is. Mima must be wearing herself out. She's had 3 hatches this year. one in mid summer, next in fall and this one! RE: the cage and separation which I think is a great idea, I think the way their house is built is challenging to set a cage up. The silkie couple has their own house apart from the backyard bunch who are literally in the back yard.
I'm going to see if I can figure out a way to do what you're suggesting.
I'm worried about the night time lower temperatures but I know Mima will do a great job.
I can't wait to post pics! And see pics. It seems like lots of folks have Thanksgiving hatches!

You're welcome. I must do the cage separation because my broody is a bantam orp & the rest of the hens are 8-12 lbs. She thinks she's a big boss & the broodiness makes her more aggressive. I just don't want her to get beaten up or the chicks to get injured. If your silkie pair are already by themselves, you may not need to do anything other than baby-proofing (or chick proofing). Make sure they cannot slip through to the outside or take a fall. When I had 27 chicks, I simply made a giant brooder & placed the broody inside to teach them.
I just had something happen a few weeks ago that I couldn't believe. I had been waiting and waiting for my EE..a very pretty girl, to start laying. She was checking nest boxes, so when I got this beautiful Olive Egg..I was shocked. I thought, she isn't an EE..she's an OE! I love olive colored eggs, so I wasn't complaining. Well, time went by, and I knew this other girl was ready to start laying anytime too. I had never seen the EE in the nest box sitting..just looking. One day, I see this other girl sitting pretty in a nest box. I go back out later to get the egg, I knew it would be a brown, or dark cream was OLIVE! What? LOL The joke was on me. My EE hadn't started laying yet. I knew it was this other girls egg..and since, I have given the EE to a friend, and yes, I am still getting that Olive egg from this girl..who's dad was a roo I kept for a very short time..and EE. Mom..believe it or not..was a RSL! I had no marans. This sex link sure lays dark eggs though. Meet Molly. She has in her feet or legs. In fact..they are more pink than anything, not even yellow! Here is the egg..and the hen. I only have 6 birds out there..Only three laying right's her. She does have a pea comb,and some blue in her tail.
Beautiful egg! I have 2 that lay olive eggs, one very light, the other like yours. We have not been planning on hatching any of their eggs, as we want larger dual purpose chickens. However, I love the dark olive green, and since she is being mated by a Buff Brahma, I may just put a clutch of her dark olive green eggs under my next broody.
13 quail hatched yesterday & found 3 more this morning. 5 unhatched eggs will remain in the incubator for another day or 2.

DD holding 3 chicks as she transfes them into the brooder.

Had to use heat lamp & paper towel in brooder. (Too afraid they'd get stuck under a fold of a towel or trapped in the shavings. Hope to figure out a Mama Heating pad set up that will work in a few days..

Chicken eggs are due tomorrow, but we've already noticed 5 pips. Nervous about one egg that looks like a long diagonal crack. Don't think there' much to do at this point, but hope it hatches. Chicken brooder is all set up & ready to be filled.
Hi all! My name is Marcell and I am in Lacey WA. I had 8 eggs that I started 15 days ago- one egg that had a blood ring when I candled last evening (day 14). This is the same egg, that when I candled on day 7 I was pretty sure wasn't violable. Keeping my fingers crossed that the remaining 7 all hatch healthy!

I measured the air cell on day 7. Again on day 14. It has grown, but not sure if enough. I am leaving the humidity alone right now and will re-measure air cell on day 18.

Would love to hear advice etc. on what to expect this last week- I am on pins and needles!!!
Hi all! My name is Marcell and I am in Lacey WA. I had 8 eggs that I started 15 days ago- one egg that had a blood ring when I candled last evening (day 14). This is the same egg, that when I candled on day 7 I was pretty sure wasn't violable. Keeping my fingers crossed that the remaining 7 all hatch healthy! 

I measured the air cell on day 7. Again on day 14. It has grown, but not sure if enough. I am leaving the humidity alone right now and will re-measure air cell on day 18. 

Would love to hear advice etc. on what to expect this last week- I am on pins and needles!!!

Good luck- I hope you get lots of fluffy chicks! I would recommend raising the humidity to 65-75% for lock down (day 18 onwards) and try not to open the incubator until all of the chicks have hatched. They can live off their yolk reserves for a couple of days so no need to worry about feeding them straight away.

Keep us updated on your progress :fl

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