November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Our hatches are due the same day! I am candling tonight then leaving the rest to my broody girl. Hoping for movement in all 10 that are under her. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your 6/6 so far

It will be a great day hatching with you! :D Excited to see what happens hehe. I hope for the most active egglets!!

And sadly 6/13. :C
The other 7 were duds/scrambled due to shipping! BUT 6 IS STILL GOOD. NO QUITTERS YET! <3
It will be a great day hatching with you! :D Excited to see what happens hehe. I hope for the most active egglets!!

And sadly 6/13. :C
The other 7 were duds/scrambled due to shipping! BUT 6 IS STILL GOOD. NO QUITTERS YET! <3

I only count the ones that make it to lock down.
It's part of chicken math.
I have 3 pips on my RIR eggs!!!!! So excited!! These are heritage reds and so when they get bigger they are going straight to showing! Oh please chickes....hatch for me! I have 11 yet to pip.......the waiting begins as well as popping my head to check on them every 5 min. LOL!! :) :)

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