November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Do you have more eggs to hatch?
If so you can wait a will be fine.................
I had one a few days ago with a big chunk on it's back....when it was safe to open the incubator........
I pulled the chick out.put it under the faucet....warm water about 100 degrees.
I held it's head so water did not get in it's face...........after a few seconds the shell came off.
Sounds scary but really no big deal. I dry mine with the hair dryer on low and a foot or so away from the chick.
Just kind of turn it as I am drying.................Good Luck
Aww... so cute! It's like a little turtle.
sounds like its trying to zip...hows it going?
[/quotel. Well I feel as if she's doing sOmthing wrong or if I did she has a pip hole but instead of zipping the hole is getting bigger because of all her moving around every time she moves ect she presses on it and chips mor shell away... Should I be worried it's to the point now that it's about thumb size and she's trying to get out but I can't tell if there's still tiny vains or not she's alsO cherping alot and sounds like she's in distress should I just leave her or let her go ?
Hi all! I started 24 eggs on the 16th at 11:30am, we are into day Five now and the hatching is due November 6th!

WE HAVE A DOUBLE YOKER TOO! "Thor" as we call the very big egg, I candled today and there is definitely two yolks! The eggs are a mixture of RIR, Black sex link and not sure what else (we picked the eggs up from a person with fertilized eggs and they had lots of different types of chickens)

Love your incubator. Did you make it? What is the container?
I wanna join! I've got six orpington/marans cross eggs in the incubator right now, plus some chukar eggs due to hatch today!
Love your incubator. Did you make it? What is the container?
Thanks! Its actually a reptile cage that we had our Hermit Crabs in, but since we no longer have hermit crabs we are using it instead as it was built to help keep a humid environment. We added some sand on the bottom, tin foil around the bottom half and then cut out a piece of plyboard for the top instead of the popoff lid (added a light and a digitial temp/humid reader and some cups of water with sponges. We keep a very consistent temp (thankfully!) with it after some initial fiddling with the added tinfoil and do the occasional misting to keep the humidity good too. This is our first stab at incubating, but seems to be working great!

OK, good. I did not want that to be an unpleasant surprise. Was afraid since you had 40 something posts you might be totally new and not realize what you were getting into. Good luck - I will have everything crossed they all make it!

Oh, we're new at this, but well read :) This is our first go hatching chicks, but ive done so much research for fun and not to mention we know a lot of others with chickens and such. Thanks for the warning though. :)

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