November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Day 21.5 I heard cheeping till mama shushed it...I didn't know they did that but it makes sense. Anyway, no shell fragments or little heads poking out as of 7:45 this morning but still exciting things are happening
What I really want to do climb up in the coop and watch
but I have to work
Counting on DH to keep an eye and an ear on the coop.
My babies are hatching and I'm stuck at work :( I stayed up all night just to have to leave as soon as the action started....So not cool. Maran's/ welsumer babies....ah I want to go home!
I keep seeing my roo mount one of my laying hens but I haven't seen any eggs laid in the nest for about 5 days now. Shouldn't I see her laying an egg?
how old is she?

She's 2 years old. The only thing I can think if is she's a little thrown off bc I've separated her from her 1.5 yr old daughter bc she's gone broody. They were inseparable but that's why I separated them. The daughter went broody and she would go in the nest to be w her and continue to lay eggs which would then stagger hatchlings.

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