November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Does anyone in the N Tx area needing or wanting silkie roo's? I've got too many boys and not enough girls so I need to find them new homes. I've got a gray splash, buff/blue cream, dark partridge and red to rehome. PM me for pics.
So here's what my new babies will grow up to be. I don't know if I have the Blue or Silver Barnevelders. I thought I would sell a few to help with the chicken bills. I already have 2 Bresse hens and, believe it or not, I'm kind of hoping this is a rooster. I have Black FCM so the 3 new ones will be so helpful in putting diversity in the lines. I read about all of the rest and breed sounds so great, I don't want to sell any. Instead, I just started figuring out where to build more pens. I am most impressed with the Bielfelders. Lots of huge eggs from a large docile chicken and I will have 3 trios. Amazing. Greenfire has my stamp of approval.

BielfeldersBirchen MaransBlue Barnevelders
SulmtalersSilver BarneveldersBresses
Does anyone in the N Tx area needing or wanting silkie roo's? I've got too many boys and not enough girls so I need to find them new homes. I've got a gray splash, buff/blue cream, dark partridge and red to rehome. PM me for pics.
At what age can you tell if they are boys or girls and how can you tell? I've been reading up and all I've read is wait for an egg. I have a few youngsters for sell and everyone keeps asking if they are male or female. When as far as I know, there's no way to tell.
At what age can you tell if they are boys or girls and how can you tell? I've been reading up and all I've read is wait for an egg. I have a few youngsters for sell and everyone keeps asking if they are male or female. When as far as I know, there's no way to tell.
Mine are about 8 months now, but they started crowing at about 6 mo. They're bigger than my females and regularly charge the other young males to establish their dominance.
My mutt Phoeneix cross is out and peeping, sadly an Ameraucana pipped the wrong end and died sometime last night... 5 more to go. After losing one that oriented himself wrong, I will be placing them in egg cartons In the future.

3 Ameraucanas are out (one with help, she was glued to the membrane) 2 eggs still left but not much hope for them after a quick candle...

My little Phoenix/Lakenvelder cross is doing well and very social. She popped out 2 days early and has been super strong and healthy.

Mine are about 8 months now, but they started crowing at about 6 mo. They're bigger than my females and regularly charge the other young males to establish their dominance.
Mine are different ages. None of mine charge yet but they are still young. My oldest has adopted 9 other chicks. Anytime I stick my hand in the feed them she pecks at me. So protective. I tried to move her to the rest of the silkies and she cried until I put her back. So did the others chicks. One of the chicks is a LF Cochin that is 2 to 3 times the size of the silkie but the silkie is still mom. I don't know if it is even a she.
HI, Finally got some pictures.
Could not get them to stand up and dawned on me after picture time
that they did not feel OK on what they were standing on
I am disappointed with the pictures because their little tails stand straight up.
I'll try again.

Here goes............Serama's first.about 1 month

HI, Finally got some pictures.
Could not get them to stand up and dawned on me after picture time
that they did not feel OK on what they were standing on
I am disappointed with the pictures because their little tails stand straight up.
I'll try again.

Here goes............Serama's first.about 1 month


These are a real kick...the little light colored one toward the back of pic 2, is the one I thought was not going to make it.
Still very slow growing, but very sweet.

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