November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

At least one of the hatchery chicks we got yesterday is dying. Am I a horrible chick parent to make it comfortable, and let it go peacefully? I can't afford (time wise) to coddle weak chickens, especially ones that are weak from the beginning. Don't hurt me... :oops:
3 EE chicks, one Marans, 7 more pipped including 2 more Marans. This is so great!
5 EE, 1 blue copper Marans, 1 other barnyard mix. FUN!
At least one of the hatchery chicks we got yesterday is dying. Am I a horrible chick parent to make it comfortable, and let it go peacefully? I can't afford (time wise) to coddle weak chickens, especially ones that are weak from the beginning. Don't hurt me...
It's an individual choice and I respect yours. I'd give electrolyes maybe but not coddle. Good luck.
At least one of the hatchery chicks we got yesterday is dying. Am I a horrible chick parent to make it comfortable, and let it go peacefully? I can't afford (time wise) to coddle weak chickens, especially ones that are weak from the beginning. Don't hurt me...

Nope, you aren't horrible. I will give them a boost of sugar water or electrolytes, put them in a nice warm place, and come back later to see if they rallied or passed. Sometimes there is just something wrong, and it doesn't matter how many hoops we jump through they won't make it. Or they do make it, but that doesn't fix whatever was wrong which may become a lifetime issue, or be passed on to future generations. I lean towards the strong will survive.
How long can I wait for a chick that is 1/3 zipped to finish?  There is movement, but a lot of resting.  The others have zipped very fast, 1/2 hour or so and they were out.  We figured out a way to add more water without opening the door.  There are 3 latches on that door.  So far I have not touched even one of them.  

How is your chick doing? One of mine took almost 2 hours to zip all the way. I watched carefully the whole time, ready to intervene if it looked like it was getting weak, as opposed to just resting now and again.
So I'm curious as to what others do, and what results you've find work better for you. A friend and I were just talking about my show silkies eggs that I've been collecting and setting in the bator. At first I was trying to wait to set them when I had 2 or 3 at a time to put in the bator, so I would leave them on the counter in an egg carton and when I had a few I would pop them in the bator. Well I'm out cleaning my run and she laid an egg while I was there, so when she came out of the coop I grabbed it and since it was still warm I marked the date on it and put it in the bator not thinking anything of it, because she has been laying erratically anyway so I'm going to have a staggered hatch anyway. He told me to hurry up and take it out and let it sit on the counter for 24 hours or it won't develop. This seems odd to me though because chickens go broody and sit on the eggs from the time they lay them til the time they hatch don't they?
Yay! 4 of my 6 set-on eggs have hatched!

Mama Chicken is doing a great job keeping the chicks warm in spite of the 30 degree weather.

So happy!

(She had to abandon the other 2 eggs in order to care for the babies. We candled them, and then broke them open, and turns out, there was never anything in them anyways!)

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