November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I have to euthanize one of my newly hatched chicks. She has a prolapsed vent that isn't getting better with treatment. :hit

I'm going to do the NYD hatch a long to help keep my mind off of her death. Anyone else doing that?
I was at a "chicken party" locally tonight and was told if the eggs are homegrown and stored/turned properly, you can hatch them WEEKS after they are laid. Maybe this person was just lucky, but she hatches fertile store eggs (you know they have been refrigerated and are probably about two weeks old) and even said she stored her own eggs up to 7 weeks to get her big cabinet incubator full. I don't think I'd do that but she did...
That's interesting. I actually have 4 left-over from this hatch. The lady gave me extra and my bator will only hold 20. I was considering just throwing them in if I don't get enough eggs for the next round and just see what happens.
Incubator decided to spaz last night. Temp dropped to 80 for an hour or two, but I got it back up to 100 as quick as I could. Haven't candled to check them yet, figured I'd give them 12 hours or so to warm back up.

I suspect my sister went in to have a peek and hit something in the process...
Incubator decided to spaz last night. Temp dropped to 80 for an hour or two, but I got it back up to 100 as quick as I could. Haven't candled to check them yet, figured I'd give them 12 hours or so to warm back up.

I suspect my sister went in to have a peek and hit something in the process...
I don't know what day you are on....but they should be fine.........
I have to euthanize one of my newly hatched chicks. She has a prolapsed vent that isn't getting better with treatment.

I'm going to do the NYD hatch a long to help keep my mind off of her death. Anyone else doing that?
I am in for NYD....
And I am sorry about your chick.
It is hard to deal with for sure,but really, an act of kindness......................
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My newly laying Brahma sat on her eggs for a day and a half but last night she went to sleep with the other chickens. She went back to the nest when she got up. Anyone know how long it takes for them to figure it out? I going to leave theeggs under her and switch them out if she stays on the nest for 5 days.
Started candling a few minutes ago (since I have over 30 eggs in the incubator, I only candle 5 at a time to minimize heat and humidity loss). Two eggs had no development after 6 days, so they were tossed. It'll be a little while before I get to the ones due in less than a week.

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