November Hatch-a-long...

Going to open the incubator in about an hour, if I remember I will take a picture of them all in the Incubator. Most of these chicks will be given away since I recently discovered that this spring/Summer is the best time to get my house on the market. And I abruptly went for adding chickens to needing to get rid of all by a select few.
Well that stinks! But is the move a good thing at least?
I disposed of a dead egg. Looks like it had been dead at least a week. Threw out another but can't get the shell to break to see inside. Still some liquid in there and 4of the seven are internal pipping now. I have one more that I think is dead but am afraid to throw it out after the one didn't break. I have an itch to go out in the woods and retrieve it. Though having been thrown about 20 feet it's got to be dead, right?
I made a big mistake... I dropped the chicks off in the brooder near the water so they could drink and go under the heating plates... I found out the hard way that when the temps are 60 degrees in the house the chicks get cold and can't move before they find the heating plate. all of them were cold to the touch but moving limbs when I found them, I put them under the heating plate and all but one recovered. From now on they all go under the heat plate and can go looking for water when they feel warm enough.
So, APS once again screwed with me. this morning the power went off. I'm on day 20.

This time I was home, so i started the generator after calling electric company and being told it would be at least 4-5 hours before they fixed it.

So, i'm staring into the incubator sending silent vibes to be alright, and not seeing any signs of pips and i hear

chirp chirp

Whew I might be alright after all.

Though I can't see which egg is pipping
I made a big mistake... I dropped the chicks off in the brooder near the water so they could drink and go under the heating plates... I found out the hard way that when the temps are 60 degrees in the house the chicks get cold and can't move before they find the heating plate. all of them were cold to the touch but moving limbs when I found them, I put them under the heating plate and all but one recovered. From now on they all go under the heat plate and can go looking for water when they feel warm enough.
Awe! Sorry :.( glad only one was lost though!

@wolfwalker yikes! Good luck!!
Woot! I have a nugget! I did end up having to assist the hatch after 13 hours with no further unzipping, the membrane had dried to the chick. Whoever posted somewhere on this site about using coconut oil to moisten a dried membrane gets my sincere thanks! Baby popped out of that egg into my hand, no blood, fully absorbed albumen. Just needs to fluff up!

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