November Hatch-a-long...

That is a silver Leghorn, the pattern is known as Silver Duckwing and many breeds have it.
First- sorry for the frozen chick.. the good news is that it was your last frozen chick.
Thank you for the Duckwing.. I read and read and all I understood was it is a colour pattern of the wing. I didn't understand which breeds have it and I didn't understand how is it related to the pattern of the back? Duckwing- this is color pattern, not shape, right? All silver duckwing patterns have the same stripey back?
Also, going to have to convince my cat to vacate the brooder...
First- sorry for the frozen chick.. the good news is that it was your last frozen chick.
Thank you for the Duckwing.. I read and read and all I understood was it is a colour pattern of the wing. I didn't understand which breeds have it and I didn't understand how is it related to the pattern of the back? Duckwing- this is color pattern, not shape, right? All silver duckwing patterns have the same stripey back?
All the duckwings have those striped backs as well as other patterns, I believe they call it a wild type chick pattern but I do not know a whole lot about that and could be slightly wrong.
The Silver Duckwing pattern is one of my favorite patterns.
All the duckwings have those striped backs as well as other patterns, I believe they call it a wild type chick pattern but I do not know a whole lot about that and could be slightly wrong.
The Silver Duckwing pattern is one of my favorite patterns.
Thank you, so what breed is yours?
I also read that Duckwing is only exhibited in the males.
I made a big mistake... I dropped the chicks off in the brooder near the water so they could drink and go under the heating plates... I found out the hard way that when the temps are 60 degrees in the house the chicks get cold and can't move before they find the heating plate. all of them were cold to the touch but moving limbs when I found them, I put them under the heating plate and all but one recovered. From now on they all go under the heat plate and can go looking for water when they feel warm enough.
you think that's a big mistake well I'm just being plan stupid. But just a couple days ago my 5 week old game bird chicks and 4 week old red jungle fowl chick, had began to stink a bit and they no longer were use ing a heat lamp. So I moved them out to the barn they did quite well for a about 2 days until I let them out in the bigger area of the barn to forage . And lone and behold I walked away for a couple minutes like ten and a Orange cat known as fred eat 4 of them including the small red jungle fowl chick. :th:he I didn't even know that cat was near by . Oh well this is the first time I had a cat go after a chicks like that. What I think happened is he ate the small slower one first and developed a taste for chicken. I still have five left and I'm not letting them out until they are at least 10 weeks. THe good news is when the chicks tried escaping the cat attack they flew up on a beam that is at lest higher than eleven ft. That's pretty amazing for 5 week old chicks. There was no other way those chicks could have possible got up that high unless they flew. This whole thing makes me wish they had a mother hen. :hmm
Well, I have an incubator with wobbling eggs, still some chirping and several have piped. but the truly sad thing that i had to deal with on this sleepless night, (promised my sister to video at least one egg hatching), is I heard this loud crack. I couldn't find anything in the Nurture Right to make me think it came from there and I started to think teh no sleep was making me hear things, then I decided to look into the other incubator.That's right, the hova-bator had an egg explode 2 days to lockdown.

Cleaned that all up, which meant taking apart the turner to get the egg rail out and decided to candle to make sure there were no more ticking time bombs. there is only 3 eggs left in there and only one of them I am confident will make it to lockdown.

So it looks like I could have just went with standard operating procedure and slept the night away and dealt with hatching in the daylight. it's just one egg was rocking so violently before i would l have headed to bed I thought it might actually hatch.

I can already tell these chicks will be stubborn and obstinate.
Well, I have an incubator with wobbling eggs, still some chirping and several have piped. but the truly sad thing that i had to deal with on this sleepless night, (promised my sister to video at least one egg hatching), is I heard this loud crack. I couldn't find anything in the Nurture Right to make me think it came from there and I started to think teh no sleep was making me hear things, then I decided to look into the other incubator.That's right, the hova-bator had an egg explode 2 days to lockdown.

Cleaned that all up, which meant taking apart the turner to get the egg rail out and decided to candle to make sure there were no more ticking time bombs. there is only 3 eggs left in there and only one of them I am confident will make it to lockdown.

So it looks like I could have just went with standard operating procedure and slept the night away and dealt with hatching in the daylight. it's just one egg was rocking so violently before i would l have headed to bed I thought it might actually hatch.

I can already tell these chicks will be stubborn and obstinate.
Goodness! No lack of crazy in your house these last few days. Hope the rest get finished safe and healthy!

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