Now I feel stupid and like and awful mommy ...

I am sure chickie has totally forgotten about it already. They have teeny tiny brains, not a whole lot to work with to waste space on grudges. We've all messed up here and there. I injured one of my girls at a week old, I moved a branch that was in their brooder for roosting, and it snapped back and knocked into her. Of course I panicked and set her up with her own little sick bay, but right after I got it all set up and wiped my eyes, she was walking around fine again and screaming to go back in with her buddies. I still feel guilty about it, and I know there is no way she remembers it. I think she probably forgot it 5 minutes after it happened and wondered why her leg hurt

Don't worry, your baby will be just fine.
Funny!! I could just see myself attempting to bite my dogs toenails!! He weighs over 150 lbs, and his nails are so huge and hard I have a difficult enough time using both hands with the nail clippers!

I hadn't thoght of clipping their wings... YIKES...

I am looking at the big plastic container I got for a brooder, thinking they will outgrow that in a few days... Then what??????

I suppose I need to build a transitional brooder for them.

it sounds like you and I are in the same boat -- I don't have any chickens yet either.

i guess you could use an old playpen - people give them away on freecycle boards.

did you find some chicks this time of year?

I've had no luck finding eggs locally, although I have only seriously been looking for a few days.

That's ok I suppose, 'cause I don't have my homemade incubator set up yet!

what breeds are you aiming for?

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I've clipped a blood feather on our cockatiel. It bled like mad, the only way I got it to stop bleeding was to actually pull the feather out with a pair of pliers.

We keep styptic powder on hand for such occurances now.

I just recently clipped the wings on my entire flock of chickens. They no longer can fly out of the run, but I was a disgusting mess of poo and feathers and scratched, pecked, bloody hands by the time we were done.

FYI - holding down and clipping feathers off a full grown heavy breed hen makes them FULLY indignant. Wear chain mail if you got it, lol.

we dont clip ours,,, for some reason my hens are too lazy to fly over the 4 foot fence. my guineas we clip till i feel like they'll come back home. we do it the way kellygwen shows,, but only clip 1 wing,, if you clip both wings some can still fly.
1 wing clipping is like a plane with 1 wing and a half wing.,, if you clip 2 its just a plane with 2 short wings that has to work a little harder to get up.
Up until last year I had an old wooden Portacrib, I got it for one of our mastiff puppies to keep him confined at night. But, last year, I took it apart and used the sides for trellises in my square foot garden area!! Oh well!!

I have a feedstore a couple blocks from me, they plan to order chicks the end of September. They have some pullets, that are about 10 to 12 weeks old.... I could get them, but the are "wild" to be sure!! I would rather wait and get new chicks that hopefully I can "tame."

I plan to get Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks, two of each.

That would give me way more eggs than I would need. If they ever lay eggs, my husband is convinced trying to have chickens in Arizona is chicken torture!! They will either be too hot or too cold and not lay eggs due to stress. But, I know there are people who own chickens here in Tucson. In fact, we have chickens in our neighborhood. Lots of them at the Feed Store!!

Maybe I can sell a few eggs here and there and help pay for the chicken feed and other chicken "stuff." Anyway that would surprise my husband if I could actually bring in some cash rather than spend it as fast as he can make it...

I always thought we had an agreement,

He makes the money and I spend it...
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Lol, oh PUH-LEASE ... sounds like someone just doesn't want you to have chickens. Just ask him if he thinks there are no chickens in Egypt, Mexico, or China (all of which I can garuntee you have hotter temps that swing wildly at night and they don't baby their chickies like we do with silly things like light bulbs). There are specific breeds that are heat/cold hardy, maybe you should look through here: for some ideas and comparisons.
That is a very informational site!! I know he will like the chickens once we have them. He is an animal lover. He doesn't even kill bugs, he removes them by using a paper cup and stiff piece of paper to outside the house or building.

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