Number of chicks/ens you really plan on having... really..


9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
Ok-- I'll out myself.

I live in a city with a code that allows three (only 3) hens per household.

But shh... I'm planning on having 6-8.


And umm... I'm picking up 14 chicks tomorrow morning (I'm giddy like a 8 year old at a Miley Cyrus concert).

I'm planning on selling some of them once they get a bit bigger. I don't plan on making a ton of money, but chicks in our area are sold out three-9 months in advance from local hatcheries. Wyandotte chicks are sold out until next year here.

How quickly our addiction feeds on itself.

Anyone else out there becoming an outlaw with their clandestine chicken flock plans?

Let's hear your story!

Yours in anonymity,

Breakin the law! Breakin the law!

From the deafening silence I would suspect there are a lot of outlaw types out there in the forum.... I find it insane that laws are written to limit the amount of birds to 3.... why 3? I think 10 is a good number.... and if 10 is good 40 is better right? Good luck with your new contraband..... If someone with authority comes snooping, dress them to look like cats... or llamas.
I know-- whats with the silence everyone!

I mean.. it's not really a problem.. I can quit anytime I want.. really... I just don't want to.. because it's not a problem.. right?

Come on everyone.. when was the last time anyone ordered just 3 chicks...
Well I'm lucky enough to live on 9+ acres that is zoned for ag so there's not much my city folk neighbors can say, but I usualy find it best for my DH not to know exact numbers.
I'm building another coop this year because one that holds 15 chickens just isn't big enough. My next coop will be able to hold 30-40 chickens.

So I guess my max is 55.
Well, I currently have 6 grown chickens (5 hens, 1 roo). My Bantam surprise order from Ideal is hopefully going to be here tomorrow. I am hoping to keep between 6-8 of those, maybe. Anyway... that is the current plan. It may change tomorrow
My city allows six. I'm hedging my bets on losing some to first-timer's syndrome and starting with eight. If they should all make it, I promise to only enjoy six at any one time.
I'm lucky cause I have 30 acres so I can have as many as I want!! I have 19 now but I will definetly be making my coop/run bigger in the future so I can get more!! It's very addicting!!

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We have 35 or so chickens now, 65 eggs in the bator. Yup, that's a lot of potential birds. My DH asks how many "we" have and I reply "Don't count your chicks till they've hatched" Shhhh.... LEGALLY we can have what we want, 1st property out of the village limits, so we are surrounded on 3 sides by people that can only have dogs or cats. Thinking on a bigger bird, EMU's next?

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