Numbers People - Does "2011" Look Strange To You?

I used to be "aware" of patterns of numbers, letters, etc. Not really ruled by them, but they certainly swayed my decisions. Then it hit me one day that I was letting totally random superstitions and unpredictable patterns influence my decisions. I consciously stopped it about 10 years ago. And life hasn't changed one whit since then except that I no longer dwell on things that I have no control over.

I'm still aware, but I no longer let it influence me. I try to let logic and common sense take charge now. LOL, there's always a but...... I still knock wood. Sometimes 3 times, sometimes 4!
Yeah, but common sense and logic take all of the fun out of the weirdness.
Numerically, 2011 doesn't phase me one way or another, but visually, it definitely heavier on the left-with a fat 2 and an even fatter zero, with two skinny 1's on the other side. Then there's the round vs. straight discrepancy...

I am definitely partial to even numbers and have been since I was very young. I'm sure I have OCD, but it doesn't rule rule my life nor do I have a meltdown if my patterns are disrupted. I worked for years with adults with severe forms of autism and they had all manner of similar quirks; it's an apparent need to find patterns and order in a chaotic world. However, they were often not able to manage it well enough to function successfully in our world. I have all kinds of acrobatics with numbers and letters going on in my head and routes I prefer to take. I would rather re-trace my steps returning to a place, like if I go from the front of my house to the back, I'd rather go back to the front the same way or I feel "tied in knots or tangled up." A good friend of mine, who like me would be presumed on the surface to be a totally laid back hippie chick, told me that she has to complete the circuit or she feels "open and unfinished." She squirmed when I stuffed my money in my pocket instead of folding it neatly. I was tortured when she didn't close the car window when we got out. We both agonize over the messiness of cuticles. We got such a good laugh when we realized we each carried this bizarre secret ordering of the universe. But like the rest of you, it doesn't dictate our lives, and to my way of thinking, it makes life more colorful. Stick with me kid and you'll never have to worry whether the iron was left on or the door was locked.
OK. I get it now. I do stuff like that, but never with numbers. I like for my bills to be facing the same direction and upright in my wallet, as well as in numerical order. I let them get out of order but usually straighten them out eventually. I also do silly stuff which is ridiculous.When I am driving down the county road going to my neighborhood I won't turn the blinker on if a slow poke is in front of me. The reason is because I think it will jinx me and the slow poke will turn the same way I'm going. How's that for silly? I also don't say things like "I haven't had a cold all season". It's just like "Knock on wood". If I say something like that the next thing you know I have a cold. I count stairs too.

Isn't counting steps and stuff like that considered as an OCD symptom?
LOL, I count stairs, too! But it's because I have a bum hip and stairs are quite a challenge for me. So there are 2 reasons to count stairs- it entertains me in the time going up or down, AND I get to snivel about those XX stairs later on.
Happy 1/1/11 Y'all!!!!

i don't count stairs, but it is crucial, if my socks don't match, that there's a reason for the foot i pick for each... like Green has 5 letters, so it should go on my right foot... since RIGHT also has 5 letters. yellow is a left color, red a right, white a right, blue a left, pink left, orange is a stumper, so it usually goes on whatever foot doesn't have a good reason for a side. i have like 20 pairs of socks, same size, same brand, but all different colors...
I always wanted to get 2 pairs of shows that were the same model but different colors and wear different colors on each foot, just to be different.

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