Nurture Right 360 Temperature fluctuates as my thermometer goes around.


In the Brooder
May 29, 2020

New to this message board.

I placed a brand new Sensorpush thermometer and hydrometer into an empty egg slot on my NR360. As the thermometer travels around there is a great flucation in the temperature. On on side it can get as low as 97. 6, but stays around 98.6. As it travels around in some spots it goes up to 99.1 and 99.5. I have my NR thermostat set at 100.00 now. I had it on 99.5 until I added this new thermometer.

Has anyone experienced this? Is it normal that the temperature fluctuates so much around in NR360? Would the NR360 have the accurate reading? It was new when I bought it. Would there be some difference in temperature because my Sesnorpush is at the bottom and the NR360 sensor is towards the top?

Please let me know if you have any information that could help me! Thank you!!!!

New to this message board.

I placed a brand new Sensorpush thermometer and hydrometer into an empty egg slot on my NR360. As the thermometer travels around there is a great flucation in the temperature. On on side it can get as low as 97. 6, but stays around 98.6. As it travels around in some spots it goes up to 99.1 and 99.5. I have my NR thermostat set at 100.00 now. I had it on 99.5 until I added this new thermometer.

Has anyone experienced this? Is it normal that the temperature fluctuates so much around in NR360? Would the NR360 have the accurate reading? It was new when I bought it. Would there be some difference in temperature because my Sesnorpush is at the bottom and the NR360 sensor is towards the top?

Please let me know if you have any information that could help me! Thank you!!!!
Is your sensorpush (sp. ?) accurate? Did you calibrate it? My calibrated thermometer reads 98 in the very back, 99.5 in the front.
Is your sensorpush (sp. ?) accurate? Did you calibrate it? My calibrated thermometer reads 98 in the very back, 99.5 in the front.



May 29, 2020213
The sensorpush is brand new and was suppose to be accurate. Does your thermometer stay put or rotate around? I tried to calibrate the sensorpush tonight with ice water, but couldn't get it to go to 32 before I gave up.



May 29, 2020213
The sensorpush is brand new and was suppose to be accurate. Does your thermometer stay put or rotate around? I tried to calibrate the sensorpush tonight with ice water, but couldn't get it to go to 32 before I gave up.
I just got mine last week, and my eggs are in lockdown right now. I haven't used the turner yet. I'm guessing your thermometer is wrong. If it won't go to 32 it's not right. I'd try the ice bath again.

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