Nutri-drench daily?

Hi All,
I have a few hens nesting, and I've been daily giving them a squirt of nutri-drench in a spoonful of yogurt mixed with feed. I also make a plate for my other hens & roosters to keep them from eating the nesting hens' treat. What are your thoughts on this? Is it ok to be giving it to them daily? Is it even ok to be giving it in yogurt? I haven't seen any one else mentioning that. Thanks!

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Hi All,
I have a few hens nesting, and I've been daily giving them a squirt of nutri-drench in a spoonful of yogurt mixed with feed. I also make a plate for my other hens & roosters to keep them from eating the nesting hens' treat. What are your thoughts on this? Is it ok to be giving it to them daily? Is it even ok to be giving it in yogurt? I haven't seen any one else mentioning that. Thanks!
A whole squirt of ND in the yogurt? I think that might be too much. I might put a bit in her feed. (I use fermented feed) A chicken's digestive system is not well equipped to handle a lot of dairy, even if it is fermented. How are her broody poops? The biggest concerns I see in this is vitamin overload, as well as her having stool that is looser than normal, resulting in soiling the nest and her eggs.

My bad! This post by lafleurette was written in 2013!!!!
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This is an old thread but I concur on that being a bit much.

The nutri-drench has dosing instructions on the jug based on age. I would follow those instructions and no more.
I believe that a little extra vitamins, minerals and a couple essential amino acids is a good thing if breeding for reproduction. That said, too much of a good thing is a bad thing.
All things in moderation.

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