Nutrient Requirements of Poultry: Ninth Revised Edition, 1994

I find the text good for online searches, Ivan.

Sure, I can't carry it around the house (& lose it
) but, if you want to think of it this way, we've already paid the National Academy of Sciences to put it online!

Everyone should give it a gander.

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Haven't had a chance to check it out yet. Are the nutrient requirements based on the commercial confinement model or the free range model? Considering most of us have outdoor ACTIVE chickens I am hoping that is its basis.
This is a compilation of research by committee (not always a good thing), but the focus is on distilling out the `best' info. from basic research conducted from the 1930's-`90's. The tabular data on the effects of toxic inorganics/vitamin, mineral, and other dietary deficiencies/composition of feeds (right down to the True Metabolizable Energy of discarded bakery goods) is very useful and, as digitS' observed, the search function is more than adequate.

Is there a `commercial' bias of sorts? Yes, primarily because it seems most research has been conducted on Leghorns. However, results from this research are used to extrapolate requirements of `Brown egg layers' as well. Req.s for Geese, Quail, turkey, etc. are also covered.

For real `down home' `backyard' nutritional info. where peer-review is served up with more than a handful of political scratch (taxes fund this as well), check out:

(several papers with very interesting info on nutrition)
I'll check them both out. Thanks

Bias I'm used to in reports and studies. I deal with that everyday.

Peer reviewed doesn't impress me many times. It is far too easy to get a few PHD's together to rubber stamp a study. Been there, done that, good money in it, but after a while ones conscience gets the better of them.
Ivan, you are a good internet researcher. I've looked at some of the FAO information before. However, it is nearly always on tropical production and has little application here so close to the 49th parallel.

Now, if the Canadians are up to something - I wanna know

Thank you Ivan! This will be a good online reference for me. I am still looking for nutritional info for specific grains in order to do some protein calculations, etc for a nutrient project at OSU. This will help with the general info I need!
SOrcy This might be of some interest (see table one - roosters only but, hey...)

Some cold stress stuff (focus on immune system - but interesting)

Experiments with energetics in various temp/feed intake regimes (also from NAS) I lifted a brief portion for easier reading (any errors in copying are mine).

Here at 38°57'and some odd seconds, I've only anecdotal info. and, these are results that need be pared from the data set as falling `way out of range' on the range: If the temp falls into the 20's (F), the chooks stick around and consume all grapes/chopped up left over meat/scrambled eggs. When the temp. rises above freezing, they completley ignore the extra `feed' and take off at full wing-flapping
speed for parts unknown. Obviously we are collecting data on what chooks want, rather than on what chooks need

I thought the Canadian password was tuque (but then I always wanted to kidnap Margret Trudeau and I was not even Quebecois

pulls `watch cap' over ears...
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The biggest caveat I have to offer regarding the NRC Nurtrient Requirements for Poultyr or any of the species for that matter is that they are guidelines were editted by a team of qualified nutritionists. Their charge was to search the literature to determine minimal requirements based on published, peer reviewed literature. In the feed industry, the NRC Requirements are viewed as the basline and I doubt any feed company formulates to meet them, rather feeds are typically much higher and are based on a company's own research or experience.

Some of my M.S. and Ph.D. research was cited in the 1998 NRC Requirements of Swine.


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