NY chicken lover!!!!

Just got back from the new house we are renovating. Some %&#@* broke down the cellar door and stole the copper piping and new water heater and broke a back window into the house

People these days...luckily they didn't get the piping from the inside baseboard heaters or go inside and steal the powertools. They also cut the propane line which could have been worse...a lot worse...Need to count my blessings that it wasn't worse I guess...I'll be off to buy some motion sensor lights and maybe I'll move my game cam over to the house to see who is snooping around.

Today was meant to be a coop cleaning day but that's not happening now...ugh and today is my only day off this week. Boo.

Hope everyone else gets to enjoy this loverly weather!

I am sorry for your trouble. The same thing happened to some friends, but then it is in the city here and not a nice neighborhood. They hadn't been to the house in a year I think and it was vacant. I had gone over to do repairs when I discovered the damage.
I advised them to leave lights on in the house and cut the grass which of course showed no one was there.
To you I suggest the same thing and you might leave a radio on too. Put a lamp or two on timers throughout the house.

Do you have insurance that might cover some of the damage?

I wish you well,


When we sold our old house it sat vacant for a while. I visited everyday and left a light on. Made sure people knew I was there.
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I'm not sure what the wiki reference is for but I said the year 2000 because the you tube video said it was recorded in the summer of 2000. That is why I gave the rough ages I did. Kenny recorded his 1st album in 96 or 7 at 16 years old. I was an instant fan. Have been ever since

Someone else on You tube mentioned that ..
Do you have some songs he did for me to compare ?

Isnt understanding email Fun !

What I am saying is that Noah has been the lead singer for the KWS Band since 1998..so it could be him in the clip ..
I will check The link ..I need some new music ..lol Ive been playing it so much ..the tunes are running through my head ....when Im not at my computer ..
Someone else on You tube mentioned that ..
Do you have some songs he did for me to compare ?

Isnt understanding email Fun !

What I am saying is that Noah has been the lead singer for the KWS Band since 1998..so it could be him in the clip ..
I will check The link ..I need some new music ..lol Ive been playing it so much ..the tunes are running through my head ....when Im not at my computer ..
it is Noah without a doubt in the clip you put up. Just a young Noah.

ok here goes. This is the other KWS song my band plays. Noah singing this one.

Killer tune. Track one album 2. When we play itmy wife sings, I play the 1st solo note for note. The 2nd solo I just go nuts being me

Here is Deja Voodoo of of KWS 1st album with his 1st band and singer. I think the only member with him still is on keys

Corey Sterling on vocals.

Kenny as a teenager had more soul than most people have in a lifetime. Substance abuse got him for a while but thankfully not long. And he is back better than ever
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Back home from Rochester. Fiona had 2 partial root canals and 2 crowns put in. We're going back next week for the other side of her mouth. She was such a big girl and did so well.
Had 5 deer dart out in front of us on the thruway on the way home. They made it across one section but I don't think they were so lucky on the other half. And when I got home I found out my cat was hit in the road. It has been a long day.
I'm so lucky sometimes... at the barn where I board my horse I was walking around the hay loft last week when I found two rolls of wire fencing. The barn owner said I could have them for my coop, which I'm trying to make out of as much upcycled stuff as I can (pallet wood, the found fence and chicken wire)

The other day she texted me and said she found two of the "coops" that her old business partner used to keep her chickens in and asked if I wanted them. One of them is pretty big. Not big enough for 6+ full grown chickens but big enough for me to let these chicks in for a few weeks for outside time till the coop is done, or to let one rooster out in if I end up with two of them. I also found a gigantic nest box that I can partition into two or three spaces.

I will post pics tomorrow.
Sounds like you made out like a bandit! Wahoo!
Hello from New Windsor, NY~ !
Welcome To your home away from home!
Back home from Rochester. Fiona had 2 partial root canals and 2 crowns put in. We're going back next week for the other side of her mouth. She was such a big girl and did so well.
Had 5 deer dart out in front of us on the thruway on the way home. They made it across one section but I don't think they were so lucky on the other half. And when I got home I found out my cat was hit in the road. It has been a long day.
Glad the surgery went well. Sorry to hear about your cat. :(
I am alive. Crazy busy with work, chickens and step father dying. (hurry up would ya? Huh?) Reading and keeping you all in my prayers, even if I don't have time to reply to each person who needs or wants prayer and/or well wishes.

Keep this good weather coming. Loooove it!!!
Back home from Rochester.  Fiona had 2 partial root canals and 2 crowns put in.  We're going back next week for the other side of her mouth. She was such a big girl and did so well.
Had 5 deer dart out in front of us on the thruway on the way home.  They made it across one section but I don't think they were so lucky on the other half.  And when I got home I found out my cat was hit in the road.  It has been a long day. 

Good job Fiona! Hope it solves all the problems, at least for now.
We seen sooo many deer in the fields through Madison County on the way home from your place. And I'll be in Vernon on April 27 for a late afternoon wedding. Hubby said no more. ;)
Sorry about your kitty. Was it the young one causing trouble?

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