NY chicken lover!!!!

OMG my son has been hunting for one of those salamanders since we moved here over 3 years ago! The first year we were here my FIL told him that there are orange salamanders up here in these parts (I don't know how on earth he knows that) so he's been searching and searching. We do have those moths! We find them on our plants on out front porch in the morning. I'll have to show him these pics.
Look around and in your ducks pond I always find them around and in my duck pond and my small ornamental pond in the front.
Been so busy with work am supposed to be on summer break and my other job has conned me into working am off tomorrow but have tons to do around here so not like a day off. Got lots of little chicks I got to get out of totes and in a pen in the barn plus have to get a pen ready for some bottle baby goats I will probably pick up on Thursday. Oh and it is hubby's B-day so got to make him a sugar free cake. Well time to go to bed am exhausted
So when I was feeding the chickens I noticed "the smell" of chickens in the air. I move the tractor daily (morning and night). It rained a lot yesterday and last nights so I am wondering how much that has to do with it. I am a bit worried that this will get worse once I stop moving the chickens every day and have them in their stationary coop/run. So....I am wondering what you all do to keep the smell down. (I want to have happy neighbors =)

I ferment the food & have deep litter in the coop on a dirt floor ...when mixed up it just smells like dirt .
Not sure if this will work, but have you seen this commercial? Too funny!

Funny... I had not seen that one ..I saw this one
Pretty funny too
I'm so mad!!! I want opinions.... Who would shoot a dog for being on your property?? Not doing anything wrong.... but barking? A man shot my sisters dog for barking !! He wasn't harming any animals or people !! He is a bloodhound.Now he is missing (pray that we find him alive). This man also sets traps my neighbors dog lost a leg. And countless other dogs in our area are missing!! All the town can say is " well there is a leash law "!! Omg so mad
Lot of people - SADLY - will do this.

They are hold over from days when all animals were thought to have no feelings, no worth ... and some people do it because they don't like the owners.

I had a dog that was out on a chain for the morning - someone drove by and shot her because I was a northerner in the precious South ! Totally true ...

fortunately she was not killed, but had a bb in her forehead for the next 10 years ! Shooting a trapped animal on the owners property - so they surely feel justified to shot anything trespassing on their property. Nasty buggers must not have many friends. :(
Well TOB I used the wifes cam to get a pick of the bald eagles nest. At maxed out 28x zoom it wasn't as close as I wanted but you can tell they are bald eagles.

Also I forgot to mention I got a new fish for my fish tank memorial day weekend. Sadly it ate all my other fish except my sucker fish who is bigger than it. Here is a pic.

So when I was feeding the chickens I noticed "the smell" of chickens in the air. I move the tractor daily (morning and night). It rained a lot yesterday and last nights so I am wondering how much that has to do with it. I am a bit worried that this will get worse once I stop moving the chickens every day and have them in their stationary coop/run. So....I am wondering what you all do to keep the smell down. (I want to have happy neighbors =)

Hmmm....I don't notice too terrible of a smell.  Our run is kind of far from the house, though...and honestly, my birds are free-ranging right now so that probably has a lot to do with it.  

I use DL in my coop also. Awhile ago before i had better drainage it would smell but just stirring it and adding dry material solved the smell. My guys are out more than in the coop now so there is very little DL in there. I find straw or hay hold the moisture and tends to smell faster. But even all winter I had no smell per se. Of course I have a lot of ventilation in my hoop coop which it needs. And stirring it once a week or so helped.
I'm so mad!!! I want opinions.... Who would shoot a dog for being on your property?? Not doing anything wrong.... but barking? A man shot my sisters dog for barking !! He wasn't harming any animals or people !! He is a bloodhound.Now he is missing (pray that we find him alive). This man also sets traps my neighbors dog lost a leg. And countless other dogs in our area are missing!! All the town can say is " well there is a leash law "!! Omg so mad

While I am sorry about your sisters dog and it may seem unsympathetic it is the dog owners responsibility to keep their animals safe. My sister in laws dog got shot years ago.

Too I once saw a guy with a BB gun shoot a dog in the butt that was in his yard and felt no sympathy for the dog. The man had one leg and the dog was about to do it's business in his yard. Have you ever slipped after stepping in dog poo?

The leash law is there to protect Non Dog owners and Dogs. As a former letter carrier I only got bit once but nearly bit many times.

It's not about opinions it's about rights. Does a dog owner have the right to let their dog go on to someone else's property and poop, chase, kill chickens, cat, dog or worse child ? Should a dog expect that it's owner will do whatever is necessary to keep them safe?

Wisely stated by Speckledhen, A dog in it's own yard is a pet, a dog in someones else's yard is a predator.

I take responsibility for my chickens. I don't own a dog or cat because I don't want the responsibility for them. Should my neighbors force that responsibility on me by letting their dog or cat come on my property? (Had a cat show up the other day but took no action cuz it was just here. Though I'm not above having a stray cat fixed if need be. If it hangs around.)

Again I'm sorry about your sisters dog but It's her responsibility to keep him/her safe. Not the neighbors.

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