NY chicken lover!!!!

I'm so mad!!! I want opinions.... Who would shoot a dog for being on your property?? Not doing anything wrong.... but barking? A man shot my sisters dog for barking !! He wasn't harming any animals or people !! He is a bloodhound.Now he is missing (pray that we find him alive). This man also sets traps my neighbors dog lost a leg. And countless other dogs in our area are missing!! All the town can say is " well there is a leash law "!! Omg so mad
I agree with most that if there is a leash law, then the dog owner was in the wrong. But....did the man shoot in a residential area? That is against the law in most towns. Was it trying to eat its livestock? Most laws allow someone to kill an animal if it is trying to eat or harm its livestock...If he just shot the dog in a residential area, he is probably breaking the law.
I agree with Rancher. I have dogs, if they went on my neighbors property and got shot I would be upset but it would be my own fault. If my neighbors dog came on my property and chased my chickens I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it. Sure I would feel bad for the dog that his owners didn't protect it.
Lot of people - SADLY - will do this.

They are hold over from days when all animals were thought to have no feelings, no worth ... and some people do it because they don't like the owners.

I had a dog that was out on a chain for the morning - someone drove by and shot her because I was a northerner in the precious South ! Totally true ...

fortunately she was not killed, but had a bb in her forehead for the next 10 years ! Shooting a trapped animal on the owners property - so they surely feel justified to shot anything trespassing on their property. Nasty buggers must not have many friends. :(

To be clear, I'm not an advocate of shooting dogs, cats or stupid people. However loose animals and stupid people don't go well together, as we've seen many times. Stupid people and guns even less so, as we've also seen far to often.

Our animals count on us to keep them safe and even when we do our best bad things happen. We can only do the best we can.

Take care,

Jlaw--nice fish. Not even fish mcnugget size yet!

Kimmerjo==sorry to hear about your sisters dog. I hope you find it. I must agree, however, with what most others have already stated. Rules, boundaries and limitations as Ceasar Milan would say.

Love all the chicken commercials!
I hear what you say Rancher - but in my story the dog was in MY yard - secured by a chain to a giant tree ..... they shot because they disliked me. Southern cops would not do anything.

for myself - if a stray dog was harassing my animals on my property - I probably would shoot it.

If it was just running around, it gets a chance - and if I know the owners they get a lesson in what animals I have and how I have to protect them.

In the 15 years of my dog's life - she got away from me once. I figure these things can happen to good dog owners occasionally - and lethal force is a pretty extreme action. However, I agree with the principle you stated and that is why I don't have a LGD .... because for that to work - it has to be free to roam .... and my neighbors are too close and too .... odd .... for that.
Metella - It was very wrong what they did. On your property your pets should be safe.

I agree with Rancher. It is our respocibility as proper dog owners to contain our dogs one way or another. I live in fear every day about a dog getting my chickens. Our 2 dogs have a nice fenced in area but there has been the occasion that DS has left the door open and they have ran out the other way. I have been lucky that when they are out they have ignored the chickens. My neighbors are another story. One gets eggs from me regularly and is babysitting her daughters dog until she can find an apartment where she can have it. She keeps the dog tied up when it is outside and has told me that she yelled at her brother for letting the dog run free. It is my other neighbors that I am worried about. There has been more then one occasion that one of their dogs has been down in our yard. I have been lucky that it as been when the flock are locked in, but I worry. They have gotten eggs from me and know that the flock free ranges during the day. I try really hard to keep my dogs home, I expect the same from them. I love dogs, but if that fluffy white dog should get one of my girls I will not hesitate to take action.

Now on to other things...

All the talk about the newts. I saw one a few years ago in the road by my mailbox but haven't seen one since. Well, I go out to get DD on the bus and give everyone their breakfast and wouldn't you know what I find on the ground just sitting in front of the garage...
I'm so mad!!! I want opinions.... Who would shoot a dog for being on your property?? Not doing anything wrong.... but barking? A man shot my sisters dog for barking !! He wasn't harming any animals or people !! He is a bloodhound.Now he is missing (pray that we find him alive). This man also sets traps my neighbors dog lost a leg. And countless other dogs in our area are missing!! All the town can say is " well there is a leash law "!! Omg so mad

Sorry to hear of this but I have to agree with the others. Back in the day growing up in a neighborhood with lots of kids we always had dogs running around. But now a days with the increase number of dog bites and attacks on other animals, I don't think it's taken so lightly. Should he have been shot for barking? No. But should he have been on that property? No. I feel like once your dog is off your property he is fair game for anyone - other predators, vehicles on the road, kids, etc. That's why it's important to always have your dog on a leash or tied up if he will not stay on your property otherwise. Heck, I go crazy when my ducks leave the property and do everything in my power to gather them back. I've lost one already to a car. And yes I was mad and upset at that driver but it was also my own fault for not making sure they were secured safely on the property.
I'M A NEW MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! (well kinda)

Just went out and checked on Peepers. One hatched one to go. The other egg has a pip in it so I know that it is a matter of time. Hopefully it'll hatch fine...once they dry I'll get a better picture.

Woody and his girl are in love. I think that Jessie (not in pic) is a little upset...Think that her name is going to be Chleo..Chleohatchra LOL Poor little blue couldn't figure out how to go around the gate to get to her "mom". Still need to figure out her name...
Pharm - I just got my first egg from your Silkie hen! I'm setting it aside for the incu because I've seen my sizzle cockerel mating with her. If it's fertile I could have MY first generation sizzle chicks!
I'm so mad!!! I want opinions.... Who would shoot a dog for being on your property?? Not doing anything wrong.... but barking? A man shot my sisters dog for barking !! He wasn't harming any animals or people !! He is a bloodhound.Now he is missing (pray that we find him alive). This man also sets traps my neighbors dog lost a leg. And countless other dogs in our area are missing!! All the town can say is " well there is a leash law "!! Omg so mad

Here in our town they told my grandfather that he could only harm them if they were on his property and was threatened him

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