NY chicken lover!!!!

Well my chicks came in this morning and 9 were dead. It was horrible! Others I couldn't tell if they were alive until I touched them. As of now I revived all I could and 2 are still are still weak. I ordered 25 and ideal said that was enough for warmth. Pics to come tomorrow once they've settled in more. So far I only know I got some polish and the others I have no clue the breed.
I am soooo sorry. I know exactly how you feel.
I have only received one successful shipment of chicks in the winter and there were almost 50 of them in there....other than that I have had complete orders show up dead...overnight shipping that takes 2-3 days or they are lost...it is truly heartbreaking. I hope you can nurse them back!!!
Well I figure another week or so and we'll see how this hatch goes.

Toa, I like the chicks very cute.

I would like to add some Amers but I'm just not up to buying eggs and besides I'm not up to driving to get them. Shipped eggs are to expensive and iffy.

This weather is great but I wish the 50's were on another day rather than Sunday. I need to rest. Any other day and I'd be cleaning coops.


Forgot , what's up with Purina? They send me an email for coupons but I have ot add an add-on and then that doesn't work because I need something else to make it work. What a pain in the neck!

You know sometimes these companies don't get it. I get mad and stop buying their product and go to someone else and I will!! I don't think there is that much difference between products to warrant dealing with the hassle they present.

There is another company that sends me coupons and I'll just stick with them.

Free coupons my Aunt Fanny!! It's enough to want to make me lose my salvation!!

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