NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi all, I just got looking in this forum. Wow! Lots of people from NY. I'm from Windsor, NY. I have 4 hens and 11 3-month olds… I think 5 cockerels and 7 pullets that the hens hatched out from fertilized eggs we bought from a small farm. Our hens are red sex link and all of the chicks are black, barred or copper/black.
Welcome to the thread! Lot of boys you have there - what are you going to do with them?
Welcome to the thread! Lot of boys you have there - what are you going to do with them?

Most likely look for new homes for them. My niece wants one, but she hasn't picked it out yet. Other than that, not sure. The barred rock colored ones are getting a green tint in their tails, so it will be interesting to see how they look as they get older. The Langshan is very pretty, and so is the copper/black guy. Not sure just what breeds they all are, but I know they are all mixes. :)
Australorps & RIRs should be laying very soon, don't hold your breath for the Orps - they can take up to 28 weeks!
You will be surprised where they will park a nest - if you do find one, I would suggest 'cooping' them for a week or so with some fake eggs in the boxes to give them the idea...
If they look healthy and these are the first chickens on the land, I would not be overly concerned with worming them unless they look tatty and tired.
You could try a little extra protein by way of a beakful of black oil sunflower (BOSS) seed every night until they start producing, sit tight they will lay eventually :)
... On a completely unrelated topic... I just have to tell you that every time I read your posts in my head, it is always with your English accent... :hugs
Had our first egg this morning! YAY! It was soft shelled but it's a start! I read the first ones are commonly soft so not worried, hopefully they'll start chowing the oyster shells more and more. :ya

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