NY chicken lover!!!!

Eeeeeks!!! Turkey Vultures up the road stalking my neighbors DUCKS!! I guess as long as they've got big fat white ducks to keep them occupied they won't be bothering my little gals!!!! How do ya get rid of em!?!?

you may not need to get rid of them
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Diet/Feeding: [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The turkey vulture, contrary to popular belief, does not feed strictly on carrion (though carrion forms the bulk of its calories). This species has been recorded eating a wide variety of food, including wild and domestic carrion, stranded mussels, shrimp, grasshoppers, mayflies washed onto shore, rotten pumpkins, palm fruit, grapes, juniper berries, and feces of coyote and sea lion. [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The Turkey Vulture soars above the ground for much of the day, searching for food with its excellent eyesight and highly developed sense of smell. Turkey vultures not only find food individually when foraging, but also may notice when other vultures in flight begin to descend to food and then follow those vultures to the food source. [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Extremely unaggressive and non-confrontational, the turkey vulture has only rarely been documented to feed on still-living prey, an occasional habit of its more aggressive cousin, the black vulture. Known instances of turkey vultures preying on live animals involved trapped, extremely weak, or helpless prey, such as ruffed grouse chicks and trapped or anesthetized birds. Turkey Vulture Society officer Brandon M. Breen has seen turkey vultures in the Falkland Islands feed on wild goose eggs as well as birthing sheep that were too weak to stand up. Such predatory behavior is believed to be exceedingly rare in this species, and live animals that are mobile (e.g., pet dogs) are not believed to face any risk. [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Turkey Vultures can often be seen along roadsides, cleaning up roadkill, or near rivers, feasting on washed-up fish."[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]quote from http://vulturesociety.homestead.com/TVFacts.html[/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]and then this from a post in 2009 https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/183885/do-turkey-vultures-kill-chickens[/FONT]
Here is a picture of a juvenile Vulture that was feasting on a road-kill squirrel Monday. I was pulling out of my driveway and it just stood there eating. Took a look at me in the car and since I didn't threaten it, it stayed. Cool and handy creature.

Hi all. New to the forum and new to raising chickens. I just got a 4 chicken coop and I'm working on getting some contacts to start building my flock. I'm right outside of East Aurora, south of Buffalo.
My SLW roo was dead when I went to the barn. He seemed a little droopy yesterday and DH said he was gone this morning. I was going to try and hatch chicks this spring if I ever got any eggs. Now I'm not.
Since we're only going to have a few, I wanted to get four different breeds. I was looking at a Wyandotte, Australorp, and Red Comet. I wanted to get an Ameraucana too if I could find one.

My family and I are going out of town at the end of April, so we wanted to wait until we get back in May to get them.

We were hoping to get chicks, or very young pullets.
Hi all. New to the forum and new to raising chickens. I just got a 4 chicken coop and I'm working on getting some contacts to start building my flock. I'm right outside of East Aurora, south of Buffalo.


yes turkey vultures are a good thing. Natures garbage men. Without them the world would be a stinkier place

Love those ugly things. Kind of like Cabbage Patch Kids...

Since we're only going to have a few, I wanted to get four different breeds. I was looking at a Wyandotte, Australorp, and Red Comet. I wanted to get an Ameraucana too if I could find one.

My family and I are going out of town at the end of April, so we wanted to wait until we get back in May to get them.

We were hoping to get chicks, or very young pullets.

We have Australorps! And Porcelain D'Uccle and well, look at my siggy.

My SLW roo was dead when I went to the barn. He seemed a little droopy yesterday and DH said he was gone this morning. I was going to try and hatch chicks this spring if I ever got any eggs. Now I'm not.

Oh, I am sorry. We had Crele Penedesenca and the rooster died. Too hard to find another so I went on to another breed. Does anyone have hatching eggs you could try, or possibly an extra Roo available?
Oh, I am sorry. We had Crele Penedesenca and the rooster died. Too hard to find another so I went on to another breed. Does anyone have hatching eggs you could try, or possibly an extra Roo available?
Thank You. They weren't a main project, but I would've liked to hatch a few. DH is always telling me we need to reduce the projects/breeds we have. I guess some choices are made for you. I'll just stick with my BLRW.

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