NY chicken lover!!!!

Quote: your welcome.....what is amazing to me is the great pics / videos my phone takes ...
.we live near the seneca river....we see geese , ducks , skunks ,
we also have predators ...hawks , eagles , coons ...have not seen any foxes or opossum this year yet ...
Hear coyotes or coy dogs at night ..never seen them though
early evening. Should I wait until next year to get them a roo?
Depends on your criteria
I wouldnt get them a Roo till they are a little older - 7 - 8 months .
You dont need a Roo to have chickens lay eggs . if you dont get one you will have a hen take that top place ..
Advantages of a roo
1-You can make more chickens - fertile eggs .
2-A roo is a more wary chicken - looks for danger more - will warn / bring hens to safety .
Some roos die for their hens - protecting them .
Before we had a Roo we lost 2 chickens to a fox ? almost lost 2 more Hens ..
After roos - they are pretty good at seeing danger & lettting everyone know ...no close calls
3-you get to hear them Crow - some like it some dont .
Disadvantages -
1-You sometimes get a mean one - he has to be culled
2- wear on the backs/ feathers of hens
3-you get to hear them Crow - some crow alot ... some dont .I have one of each
is that a comet ? amazing ...none of my hatchery ones ever went broody....THEY ARE now 3 years old ....STILL LAYING THOUGH
I have a pylmouth white rock...that started the broody cluck...after some of my hens went broody...
shes not broody ...she just runs around & clucks like she is ...SO FUNNY !:lau

Yes hatchery comet and not evena year old lol
And MJ is still loving mommy life with her 6 Millie babies that are a week old yesterday as well as a 4ish week old cCornish broiler that isnot doing so well
Cute chick, what breed?

It's a little buff laced polish :)

is that a comet ? amazing ...none of my hatchery ones ever went broody....THEY ARE now 3 years old ....STILL LAYING THOUGH
I have a pylmouth white rock...that started the broody cluck...after some of my hens went broody...
shes not broody ...she just runs around & clucks like she is ...SO FUNNY !:lau

Do you remember my old avatar? It was Lemon, my sex link, with her chicks. It's uncommon but it does happen!


Speaking of broodies, I went out to close up the chickens tonight and I have another buff orp broody :th She'll get some cemani eggs, I guess.
Ok to answer some questions about the fall chickenstock it will be the date I posted in September.
Yes you can pitch a tent and stay the night/weekend or you can park an RV and stay the weekend.
As far as food I would like everyone to bring a dish. I will have hot dogs and hamburgs but if people don't bring some of them also then I will be charging for them.
Will hold another Chinese auction so start figuring out what you are going to donate.
I will be holding raffles again haven't quite figured out what we will be donating for it.
I will do another raffle for the food bank where you get a ticket for each can good or nonperishable you bring
I am also doing a raffle for Christmas gifts for needy children and you will get one ticket for each new or like new toy you bring.
we are in harpursville on top over a hill with not much but horses for neighbors so we can have just about any critters we want. As best we can tell all 18 are pullets but from all my reading here we might be wrong, won't know for sure until they lay or crow. Lol. No specific breed of roo in mind just one that's a good dual purpose . We are raising for both meat and eggs. I have 5 kids 2 dogs and a hubby to feed so raising birds in addition to a large already established garden sounded like a good money saver.

If your looking for dual purpose I would recomend trying a pair of Sulmtalers, Bielefelders, nederheiners, or basque. I have them and the males are big and grow pretty fast.
I also love my Marans and Welsummer Roos - they grow not as fast - but get very big and pass on good layer genes. I don't have any extra roos now ....

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