NY chicken lover!!!!

Wow good to know, I didn't plan on using them anyways, but I don't plan on using heat lamps either, decided to go with a premier heat plate, had many say they were not worth the expense, but I do not want to worry about a fire, or a blown heat bulb. What do you think? The way I figure it, heat bulbs cost and don't last forever, mine is still good but for how long? If those plates have a decent life I think they are worth it. If anything they might sleep at night instead of making tons of noise keeping me up, they only seem to sleep periodically and eat and make tons of noise at night with a heat lamp.

I'm going to invest in a plate in the spring - they are supposed to be low electricity and a more natural way of brooding for the chicks. They only work in temps 50 or above though so I won't get one till spring and I'll also have to still use a heat light for any late fall broods.
Do you ever have any broodys ? ...or do you just incubate when you want to ?

Both :)

In fact, I did a recandle of my broody orp's eggs tonight and one had blood ringed, but the other 15 were good.

I also candled Snap, the other broody's, eggs to see how things were going since it's her first time and to mark her eggs so I could pull out any new ones laid in her nest each day. She had 27 eggs under there :eek: Now, she's a big bird (buff orp/light brahma) cross, but that is a lot of eggs, especially for a first timer. It also looked like one had broken under there so tomorrow I'm going to freshen her nest when she's off it. After candling, it appeared 21 were good. It got to a point that if an egg was too covered in goop, if I couldn't easily see life, I just tossed it.

And she's a biter! Darn bird pecked and bit the heck out of my hand. I ended up sliding her last three eggs under the other broody until tomorrow to avoid any more pecking.
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Fun day with the girls, they kept my mind off stress. When it rains, it pours. My guess is this guy is not going to budge on the 1200.00. In fact, he mentioned charging an extra 150.00 to re-calabrate the meter to be sent out. My husband did one of those tests where you fill a 5gallon bucket check the meter and fill it again. He said it seemed to come out right. I'm not sure if there's something else we can do but what a bummer to have to pay 1200.00. The mayor said they'd work with us, the water guy gave him a dirty look and told him the meeting would start to try to get him out of his way. Even when the mayor stepped in for me when I told him my meter ticks in the basement. The water guy told me "no it doesn't" The mayor stepped in and said the old meters read that way. Step off waterboy! I'm not a complete idiot! He was a complete jerk. I told him we were on one income with a 4 year old and that we were foster parents and couldn't afford 1200.00 and he looked at me and said, "I've seen higher". What a jerk!

So we had that, then I found a tapeworm in the kittens feces. Since she sleeps with our Pekingese and our beloved older cat, my guess is we need to treat them all. Lets pile on another 300.00 to the water bill. Ugh! Since you can get tapeworm, I'm not sure if we all (including our daughter who handles the kitten) should get treated for tapeworm. Can I just say it's been a bit more drama than I would have liked lately? lol Now that I know the domestic animals have tapeworm, I probably should be the only one around the chickens for a while and will keep them in their run until everyone gets their meds from the vet. Should I worry a bout the hens now too?

Okay, I'm off to watch a chick flick and relax for a bit. Everything will work out. I'm just on a heightened sense of emotions after that dumb bill. In the end though, we have our health, we have food on the table and that bill really isn't the priority. They'll get paid when we pay them. It's just a shame we can't really prove it wasn't us. I think they'll be coming out but I've contacted the reporter that did our story and asked if she would be willing to be there when they come in. It just sounds fishy that this happens after the report we took part in about the towns water problems. Hopefully they aren't like that but this water guy was a total horses behind!

Oh, I bought a bucket to start the fermenting process and the black water bowl you all spoke of for winter time. I also made a fun treat for them with pumpkin seeds, raisons (which I really didn't know they could eat since dogs and cats shouldn't have them) and a leftover watermelon from the garden. My husband got a kick out of how they kept running today. The chicken waddle is honestly the funniest thing to watch. Love them. My black australorps have become my favorites I think.

Have a great day everyone!
Anyone know when chickens start laying eggs? I got some barred Rock pullets about a months ocess my ago who are now 5 months old and still no eggs. Some have already molted and some are molting currently.

Are they getting enough protein? Have you checked them over for mites? Only asking cause they don't usually go through a molt that soon

This makes me sad! Inhumane treatment for sure. :(

Fun day with the girls, they kept my mind off stress. When it rains, it pours. My guess is this guy is not going to budge on the 1200.00. In fact, he mentioned charging an extra 150.00 to re-calabrate the meter to be sent out. My husband did one of those tests where you fill a 5gallon bucket check the meter and fill it again. He said it seemed to come out right. I'm not sure if there's something else we can do but what a bummer to have to pay 1200.00. The mayor said they'd work with us, the water guy gave him a dirty look and told him the meeting would start to try to get him out of his way. Even when the mayor stepped in for me when I told him my meter ticks in the basement. The water guy told me "no it doesn't" The mayor stepped in and said the old meters read that way. Step off waterboy! I'm not a complete idiot! He was a complete jerk. I told him we were on one income with a 4 year old and that we were foster parents and couldn't afford 1200.00 and he looked at me and said, "I've seen higher". What a jerk!

So we had that, then I found a tapeworm in the kittens feces. Since she sleeps with our Pekingese and our beloved older cat, my guess is we need to treat them all. Lets pile on another 300.00 to the water bill. Ugh! Since you can get tapeworm, I'm not sure if we all (including our daughter who handles the kitten) should get treated for tapeworm. Can I just say it's been a bit more drama than I would have liked lately? lol  Now that I know the domestic animals have tapeworm, I probably should be the only one around the chickens for a while and will keep them in their run until everyone gets their meds from the vet. Should I worry a bout the hens now too?

Okay, I'm off to watch a chick flick and relax for a bit. Everything will work out. I'm just on a heightened sense of emotions after that dumb bill. In the end though, we have our health, we have food on the table and that bill really isn't the priority. They'll get paid when we pay them. It's just a shame we can't really prove it wasn't us. I think they'll be coming out but I've contacted the reporter that did our story and asked if she would be willing to be there when they come in. It just sounds fishy that this happens after the report we took part in about the towns water problems. Hopefully they aren't like that but this water guy was a total horses behind!:duc

Oh, I bought a bucket to start the fermenting process and the black water bowl you all spoke of for winter time. I also made a fun treat for them with pumpkin seeds, raisons (which I really didn't know they could eat since dogs and cats shouldn't have them) and a leftover watermelon from the garden. My husband got a kick out of how they kept running today. The chicken waddle is honestly the funniest thing to watch. Love them. My black australorps have become my favorites I think. 

Have a great day everyone!

I thought I quoted the old hen quote but I don't see it but anyways I have the Amish process my birds and my old birds she canned them meat is nice and tender from the canning.


On this home front we are trying to get everything situated before snow. Just had surgery yesterday had a 12 mm x 5 mm boulder living in my kidney that decided to block urine flow out the left ureter. I am still very much sore from surgery.

I so have the baby chick hatching blues just want to fire up those babies but will wait a while for that.

On a sad note when I was planning the chickenstock I got some grief from members here about outsiders you don't know what they could do they aren't from BYC and my reply was BYC members don't mean you can't be a bad person. Well I am not mention names but one of the BYC members is dating my ex son in law they left my grandchildren with the members child to go out and this teenager had my grandchildren doing things to each other that no child should ever do or know about. This is not the first time this teenager has done this and the teenager has been arrested on this and for doing it to so to other little kids. This teenagers parent a BYC member knew her kid was like this and still allowed her child to take care of my grandchildren. So just a reminder being a member here doesn't.t make you a good person.
Good morning. Been reading but sometimes I can't keep up with y'all. I went outside to open up the coop and it turns out I never closed it last night. Luckily the skunk didn't take any chicks. Either the chickens or other rodents ate a lot though. The oldest crew looked tired. I could be reading into it though knowing I'm tired.

Does anyone know of places that process chicken? And how much do they charge?
Fun day with the girls, they kept my mind off stress. When it rains, it pours. My guess is this guy is not going to budge on the 1200.00. In fact, he mentioned charging an extra 150.00 to re-calabrate the meter to be sent out. My husband did one of those tests where you fill a 5gallon bucket check the meter and fill it again. He said it seemed to come out right. I'm not sure if there's something else we can do but what a bummer to have to pay 1200.00. The mayor said they'd work with us, the water guy gave him a dirty look and told him the meeting would start to try to get him out of his way. Even when the mayor stepped in for me when I told him my meter ticks in the basement. The water guy told me "no it doesn't" The mayor stepped in and said the old meters read that way. Step off waterboy! I'm not a complete idiot! He was a complete jerk. I told him we were on one income with a 4 year old and that we were foster parents and couldn't afford 1200.00 and he looked at me and said, "I've seen higher". What a jerk!

So we had that, then I found a tapeworm in the kittens feces. Since she sleeps with our Pekingese and our beloved older cat, my guess is we need to treat them all. Lets pile on another 300.00 to the water bill. Ugh! Since you can get tapeworm, I'm not sure if we all (including our daughter who handles the kitten) should get treated for tapeworm. Can I just say it's been a bit more drama than I would have liked lately? lol  Now that I know the domestic animals have tapeworm, I probably should be the only one around the chickens for a while and will keep them in their run until everyone gets their meds from the vet. Should I worry a bout the hens now too?

Okay, I'm off to watch a chick flick and relax for a bit. Everything will work out. I'm just on a heightened sense of emotions after that dumb bill. In the end though, we have our health, we have food on the table and that bill really isn't the priority. They'll get paid when we pay them. It's just a shame we can't really prove it wasn't us. I think they'll be coming out but I've contacted the reporter that did our story and asked if she would be willing to be there when they come in. It just sounds fishy that this happens after the report we took part in about the towns water problems. Hopefully they aren't like that but this water guy was a total horses behind!:duc

Oh, I bought a bucket to start the fermenting process and the black water bowl you all spoke of for winter time. I also made a fun treat for them with pumpkin seeds, raisons (which I really didn't know they could eat since dogs and cats shouldn't have them) and a leftover watermelon from the garden. My husband got a kick out of how they kept running today. The chicken waddle is honestly the funniest thing to watch. Love them. My black australorps have become my favorites I think. 

Have a great day everyone!
I love reading about your chickens. I'm happy you're having a great time with them even though other things in life are rough.
Do you ever have any broodys ? ...or do you just incubate when you want to ?

Olive egger hatched out two and wife hatched out another a couple days later and we had a house chicken for awhile. I have silkies I have to remove from the nest boxes many times a day, they are still laying though.
I need to use incubator cause I just want to do big hatches in the spring for meat so they are all the same age.



Do you know if these are coated with Teflon? If so, they are dangerous in a confined space for chickens - something about fumes??
I have one now and use it. They're fine. I've read the testimony of the teflon bulbs here somewhere. It's good that you mention it again for newbies.

I'm slowly changing DW to Cast Iron pans. Teflon is out if I can help it. I just rescued twho that a feiend wat atkiing to the scarp place.

I don't know what is wrong with this coputer thought it only seems to happens on byc. It slow in poutting up the letters.
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