NY chicken lover!!!!

@PhoredaBurds I have to band everyone as I go so I know who I can cross. Matching bands means don't mate. I even have my broody hens labeled. There are 3 that steady want to brood. Is now to early to let them?

When to let broodies brood is totally a personal preference. It would be a bit early for me, but if u have a good place for the hens to raise their chicks, eggs u want to hatch, and you want chicks this early, go for it!
Good lord be careful. You are much to important to us to not be. I hope you've gotten your tetanus shot.  Folks if you don't remember the last time you've gotten a tetanus shot call the doctor, asap.  

As a kid I talked so much my mother was always poking me with rusty nails hoping I'd get lock jaw.................................she never liked me. :lol:

Thanks rancher. Sending love your way too!
@Chicken girl 15
Had to wrack my brain to remember when u got the 2 birds from me. I used chamois birds to bring genetic depth to the gold line and visa versa. The two colors are very similar genetically but the two lines were separate. Your two boys have solid genetics, so crossing their daughters back to that line shouldn't be a problem. I have numbered zip tie bands I keep telling myself I'm going to put on all my birds. Now is actually a perfect time for that.

Got my chicken house cleaned & separated the breeders to their breeding pens. Several are quite miffed with me as the breeding pens are smaller than the "let everyone run together" pen. Hopefully they will get over it soon and do what chickens do in the spring.

I hope you have better luck with the zip tie bands. I found the numbers wore off after just a few months. Shame, b/c I really liked how easy they are to apply.
When to let broodies brood is totally a personal preference. It would be a bit early for me, but if u have a good place for the hens to raise their chicks, eggs u want to hatch, and you want chicks this early, go for it!
Well I do have the set up to do it but I'm not sure I need more chicks right now. I have 112 babies in the brooder and 50 more due the week of the 27th from cackle. However since I want extra eggs in winter I guess I will set a (or maybe 3) incubator. Anyone need fluffy butts?
Well I do have the set up to do it but I'm not sure I need more chicks right now. I have 112 babies in the brooder and 50 more due the week of the 27th from cackle. However since I want extra eggs in winter I guess I will set a (or maybe 3) incubator. Anyone need fluffy butts?

I'm hoping the Marans and EE's start laying and someone goes broody so I can get more chicks. I try to run a closed flock to avoid any pitfalls with disease.

Having a private place for broodies is just about a necessity.

Still haven't heard if anyone is going the Small Farm and Homestead Fair at Morrisville. Might be a good place to learn some things.
With this warm weather this weekend I managed to finish cleaning all the chicken pens in the big barn and DH started the horse run in. Now all that's left is the turkey pen and upper bantam barn. My chickens are loving the weather. Egg production has been eggcellent the last few weeks. :)
Well I do have the set up to do it but I'm not sure I need more chicks right now. I have 112 babies in the brooder and 50 more due the week of the 27th from cackle. However since I want extra eggs in winter I guess I will set a (or maybe 3) incubator. Anyone need fluffy butts?

Still haven't heard if anyone is going the Small Farm and Homestead Fair at Morrisville. Might be a good place to learn some things. 

I saw the FB ads & checked into it, sounds interesting! But I'm not planning in going though it sounds like something I'd enjoy going to.

With this warm weather this weekend I managed to finish cleaning all the chicken pens in the big barn and DH started the horse run in. Now all that's left is the turkey pen and upper bantam barn. My chickens are loving the weather. Egg production has been eggcellent the last few weeks. :)

I know, I have a long list of things to do during this warm weather! Unfortunately, yesterday was the first day I was able to do much of anything outside due to work & plans. I'd added litter to the coop's deep litter last week, so most coops are still ok. My priority yesterday was getting the chicks outside in the brooder coop & seeing if 2 of the broodies would adopt them. So far so good!

I have a bigger area for them once they grow a little, but still doing work on it, so this will be sufficient for the time being.
I've got babies!

I got 2 brahma, 1 EE, 2 barred rocks, and 5 i-don't-know-whats. They are pale yellow with small black dots - one on the head, each wing, and either side of the tail. The list given was Brahma, Ameraucana (was def EE tho), RIR, and Barred Rock. Any ideas?

Also, with the warm weather, we tapped 6 trees, and got 11 gallons of sap already.

And a question: wood ash is a recommended ingredient in a dust bath. Most of my ash comes from locust trees. Is it safe to use or do I need to make it with something else?
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:caf Greetings one & all,

I've had some "Life" happening here in balmy Binghamton, so I have been M.I.A. from this and other internet contacts for too long. I'm over a hundred pages behind on this list alone!

:sick [Long story short, I'm a disabled veteran with Parkinson's. I have an old, dear friend who is my housemate and helper; she was hospitalized recently and has the beginning stages of congestive heart failure. It runs in her family. Anyhow, dealing with the fallout and life changes that go with that diagnosis has kind of knocked both of us off the rails for the last couple of months.] ***If you can spare a prayer or a good thought for us as you go about your day, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

:frow Please forgive me if I ask a redundant question or such as I am just jumping back in where we are now and may read the back issues (or not).

I'm still hoping like anything to make it to Chickenstock - goodness knows, I need a mental health break. :cd

I'm always happy to meet other chick-a-holics, so if you are in/around Binghamton, please drop me a note and we can get coffee or something.

I hope all of you are enjoying the recent warming weather... I gotta go shovel out my coop and put in new bedding now, LOL.;)

See you later,
Trish, "the Catmom"
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